Chapter 7

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Alistair groans. His sense slowly came back to him. The pain spread all over his body. He pried his eyes open, hissing at the intruding light. He tries to move his arms, only to realize it was chained on the wall. Alistair tried to stand up, but the chains restricted his movement. Alistair sighs and sat down against the cold, stone wall. He closed his eyes, trying to concentrate. At that moment he realized he wasn't alone. He heard a shallow breath beside him, breathing quite fast. He looks to his side, seeing a silhouette of a man. He vaguely sees his face; he couldn't make out who he was, if he knew him at least. "Hello?" He whispered softly. The silhouette slowly turned at him. And Alistair could see his bright ocean eyes from the darkness. His eyes were sad and tired. He looked like he tried to speak but only a cough came out. Alistair was shocked. This guy was in no good shape. He only noticed now in the dim light how scrawny and thin he was, how he had scars and bruises all over his face, possible in other places as well.

Alistair whispers a small spell to break the chains. The sound of it dropping on the ground echoed around the room and wherever. He hoped no one has heard that. He knelt beside the man, getting a closer look at his face. He could see the black bags under his eyes, his scarred cheek. "Are you okay." He whispered. The man closes his ocean blue eyes and shakes his head weakly, letting out a weak sigh. "Who?" He barely choked out. Alistair destroyed his chains, this time being careful of the sounds it was making. He caught the falling body. He could hear his shallow, unstable breath. He rubs small, comforting circles on his back. The guy looks up and smiles, mouthing thank you before passing out. Alistair stared at him blankly. He knows he's seen him before, but his memory didn't want to co-operate with him. Alistair sighs and hoists him up his back, the weight of a full grown adult threatening to breaking his back. "Hang on there."

He looks around, trying to make out an exit in the dark. Only ending up with darkness. He sighs and chants a light spell. A glowing white ball appeared right beside his head, aiding his sight. He sees the door, and the dark corridor. He wasn't a fan of horror movies, neither if he was living in one. But he decides to walk into the corridor. He needed to get out of here. Fast if he doesn't want a full grown man's weight to crush his body.

The corridor was dead silent, other than the sounds of his footsteps, his somewhat rapid heartbeat and the man's unstable breathing. The magic glowing ball helped him see his surroundings. There were doors on both sides with a number. 650, 648, 646, etc. He figured they were either empty or being occupied by a soul, one that has been chosen to 'get it's wish fulfilled'. A dream Reaper can only have one host at a time. So these souls must have been long gone. Or they have been kept here, miserable and angry. So it was best not to interact with them.

They reached the door at last, and Alistair had to be careful not dropping this man. He carefully pushed the door open, light creeping into the corridor. Alistair takes a deep breath and walks in. The room was very lit, unlike the other one. It was all made out of stones bricks. A long red carpet stretched along the room, at one end there was a throne, on the other was a large door. Alistair placed him on the ground and takes a look around. By the looks of it, this was a throne room. And only one can be the king here.

Alistair turns around, seeing a black shadow hovering over the guy he was carrying. He was about to cast a fireball but the shadow held a finger to his lips, quieting him. Alistair froze when this shadow transformed into a human being. A being with white skin, jet black hair and mischievous black eyes. He wore a black coat with a white belt, his hands were gloved and he wore a long, black pants. He grinned when he saw him paralyzed. He stands up straight, Alistair notices his huge length. He had to look up just to sees his face. "You don't want to hurt him, do you?" He asks. His body broke down into pieces that disappeared in the air. "If you do, i can do it for you." Alistair spun around, seeing this reaper's face inches away from him. Alistair stumbled back. His gaze was fixed on his black eyes. He only grinned, his face showing satisfaction. "Got no tongue?" He disappeared again. Alistair blinked a few times and slapped himself. "Wake up lad." He muttered. He looked around, alert to where he would appear. A laugh echoed in the air, and before he knew it. "Boo" Alistair spun around, ready to punch the reaper, but the reaper dodged to the side, grabbed his arm and threw him on the floor. He put his foot on his chest, pinning him down and making it difficult to breath. Alistair hisses at him. He kicked him in the nut sacks, causing him to stumble back and letting him go. Alistair stood up and lunged at him, but the reaper teleports away, making Alistair falling face flat on the ground. He groans in pain, growling lowly at the reaper. The reaper only smirked at him. Alistair took a deep breath, stood up and faced the black eyed man. The man raised an eyebrow, taunting him to tackle him once more. Alistair glares at him. "Where am I." He asks, voice stern. The man only chuckled and raised his arms up, as if welcoming him for a hug. "We're in my domain, my castle." He says. He then bows like a butler. "This my friend, is also the prison for many souls." He disappears and appears behind him. Alistair felt annoyed and huffs. The man looked at him unsatisfied. "Man, you are quite boring. Well, name's Talos." He held his hand out. Alistair raised a brow, confused to what is going on. He reluctantly shook it anyways, feeling chills running down his spine as he touches the black leather gloves. The reaper smiled at him and turned around.

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