Chapter 9

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Alistair sat beside Alfred, talking about Arthur. He'd laugh softly, sometimes smiling genuinely. Sometimes those tired eyes would show happiness. "How did you meet?" Alistair asks. Alfred's cheerful face disappeared. He looked like he had a mix of emotions going through him.

"It was a winter day, back in December." He started

"I ran away from another typical parent argument and I met him in the forest while I was frozen to death. Back then he looked like an angel, ready to take me to Heaven. Well, he is. He then gave me back my Union Jack scarf. I don't know how he found it, but I was thankful." He smiles as small tears run down his face. He wipes them off for a moment. He takes a deep breath and continues. "He fell asleep on me. I don't know how but he did. And he looked so beautiful, like a real angel. Life has been going down back then. Everything didn't go well at that time, people kept teasing me for my fat, my parents kept arguing and he seemed like the only way out of the misery back then. I continued to meet up with him. He was fun to play with, calm, arrogant, bit grumpy at times but I liked him." He finishes. Alistair didn't know what to say. He didn't know much about him. He didn't know what he went through. So instead of words he pats him in the back.

"I promise I will give you time with him when we get out of here." He smiles at him. Alfred frowned and shook his head. "Don't promise. I know you probably won't be able to." He says. He looks away from him. Alistair furrowed his eyebrows. "Alfred, I may not know you like Arthur, and you don't know me as much as Arthur, but I swear just for my brother's sake." He says. Alfred looked at him. A spark of hope twinkled in his eyes. A small smile curved in his lips as he mouths thank you. "No problem lad." 


Arthur awoke the next morning. Memories from yesterday flooded in his head. How could Alfred do this? How could he think he'd just show him...that! Sure it was only Alfred, who had partaken in it. It was still unforgivable. How could he just...How could he just laugh like that? 

All those thoughts gave Arthur a migraine. He groans and covers his head with a pillow. The moment he closes his eyes for another attempt at sleep Alfred comes in shouting. "Arthur wake up!" He stomps in the room cheerfully, a big grin on his face. Arthur removed the pillow and sat up, an eyebrow raised. "Yes, love?" He asks. Alfred seemed a bit jumpy today. "Let's go on a memory trip!" He says. Arthur sighs. "I just woke up." Alfred pouts. "Please?" He does the puppy eyes. Arthur knows that he can't handle puppy eyes. Arthur looks away, refusing to give in. He glances at him a few times, sighs again and stands up. "Let's go." Alfred eagerly grabbed his hand and immediately changed their surroundings.

They weren't in their house anymore, neither the forest. Instead they were in the middle of the mountains. The sun was high in the clear sky. The trees were a bright green. The wind was only a soft breeze. It was summer, he could tell.

Alfred offered his hand for a walk. Arthur grabbed it. They started walking the long path up the hill. There they found their past selves. Arthur breathed a sigh of relief, they had clothes on and probably no intention of putting the D in the A. 

They sat down on the grass as they watch them prepare their picnic. Alfred puts down the red and white clothe. Arthur gets the food from the baskets and spread it around the surface. When they were done they sat down, stared at each other for five minutes and started eating. Arthur could see how his past self enjoyed it. He enjoyed every bite, every word, every subtle touch they would make. He could see his faint blush across his face.

"Alfred, i brought scones with me." He says whilst grabbing the burnt abominations from the basket. Alfred looked at it with a face of disgust and slowly scooted away from his so-called scones. Arthur raises an eyebrow. "Why are you so afraid? They aren't that bad!" He grabs a scone a took a bite, his face not scrunching from the questionable taste. Alfred looks at him with horror and immediately runs away. Arthur felt anger fuming out of his ears. "You git!" He yelled. He sighs and continues eating. "They really aren't that bad." 

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