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The boy smiled. He was muscular, had a lean build, pale skin, raven black hair and straight white teeth.
But his eyes were the best.
His eyes were a deep blue, and they were ringed with a light blue with minty green strips. He had long dark eyelashes that framed his eyes perfectly.
He stared down at me, a good head taller, "Well, someone seems a bit jumpy."
I blushed, hoping he couldn't tell, "Well maybe you shouldn't be stalking girls."
"Well maybe I want to stalk pretty girls." He replied.
My first thought: Weirdo.

I frowned. He may be hot , but who did this guy think he was? Sure I loved a complement, but he was just a stranger that had popped out of nowhere. 

I crossed my arms over my chest, agitated, "Well don't stalk me. I'm not the kind who likes being stalked." I said.

His smile dimmed. "But it's ok if the girl is as pretty as you..." he said trailing off. He looked into my eyes, leaning in.
I looked into his eyes, he placed a hand under my chin, guiding his lips to mine.
Wait what?
I pulled away, and stepped on his toes.
"What the fuck? Stay away from me!" I yelled. With thatI turned away from him and stormed torward school.
He grabbed my shoulder, spinning me to face him.
His face was one of disbelief.
"How did you do that?" He asked, incredulous.
"What, ignore you? It's easy. So stay away." I said in a snarky voice.
He grabbed my arm again.
"What are you, huh? Tell me!" He whispered.
I jerked my arm away, "I have no clue what your talking about. Just stay away from me." I said again, huffing, angry. I started walking toward school, expecting to feel his hand on my arm again, but I didn't. I looked behind me.
He was gone.

When I reached school everything was normal. I acted normal, talked normal, looked normal. But inside I was a jumble of wires.
I couldn't get the boy out of my head.
His eyes kept falling into my memory like a tape on replay. He was unbelievably beautiful.
If you thought of the hottest guy you've seen, multiply their hottness by one thousand, and then you've almost got that boy.
I walked down the hall to my first hour, dreading having to go to it. I got great grades, all A's and B's, but that didn't mean I liked school.
As I walked into first hour I waved to my teacher, and she waved back. I sat in my usual seat in the front and started to pull out my book and read when something caught my attention.
Two girls walked into the class, Jolie and Cassie, the two most popular girls in school. They were giggling.
"Oh. My. GOSH! Cassie he is soon hot!" Jolie said.
Cassie waved her hand around, "OMG. I know! His eyes! So damn sexy!"
They both squealed and sauntered to their desks. Their conversation had caught my attention. Eyes? Who did I see that had se- no, very pretty eyes?
The bell rang.
The boy.
Standing in the doorway.
10 seconds of silence.
10 steps he took to walk to a desk.
10 heartbeats away.
10 seconds to realize he sat right next to me.
"Hey." He said casually.
I looked at him, leaning forward, I whispered, "What are you doing here?"
He smiled, his eyes crinkling as if laughing at his own private joke.
"Why I came to see you of course."
My insides shivered, but I forced my face to remain neutral.
I scowled at him in response, "Why can't you listen when I say leave me alone?" I asked, my voice quiet but firm.
"I'm not good at listening, sweetheart." He said.
I stared at him, hoping to unnerve him, but he kept smiling.
I huffed, "Don't call me sweetheart, creep."
He tsked, "Well, now who's making nicknames. Oh well, I like when you call me creep," he leaned in close, as if sharing a secret, "you say it like its naughty."
My lips turned into a scowl. I turned away from him, facing the front of the room. It was impossible to win a fight with him.
A minute later I felt his hand grip my bare arm.
His hand was ice cold.
"Look, I'm sorry. I know I can be a jackass, just don't hate me okay?"
I looked at him and frowned, but I could feel myself melting. He pouted, which even looked kinda hot. 
I finally gave in, "Fine, but stop being rude and we can be friends. Just friends." I whispered.
He smiled and let go of my arm, letting his hand brush my leg and trail down and pulled his hand back to his desk.
He faced the class, and in a voice so quiet I could barely hear it. But I could have sworn he whispered,
"We'll see about that."

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