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Back in my bedroom I changed back into my jeans and camo t-shirt. I tried dusting the room, but almost ended up with death by dust asphyxiation.
The window drew my attention, so I walked over to it. The sun was down, the sky was a brilliant laser light show. The stars burned bright and powerful against the black night. Trees could be seen faintly in the dim half moon light.
I looked back into the room. Sighing, I closed the ancient curtains and shuffled my feet to the bed. I took off my jeans and bra, only sleeping in a t-shirt and underwear like I usually do at home. I buried myself deep in the blankets, loving the heaviness over my body and felt my eyes slip shut.
I fell asleep just as I heard sound of my door creaking open.

I woke up with pillows draped over my face.
For a moment I didn't know where I was.
The musky, dusty smell of old things assaulted my senses. I pushed the pillows off my face, inhaling little bits of dust that I hadn't managed to shake off last night. I opened my eyes and they burned as the sun slanted onto them. I blinked rapidly, and pushed away my drowsiness.
I pushed off my cover and slid out of the bed, sliding my feet over the beautiful smooth wood floors.
Nolan had apparently obtained the house in the late eighteen hundreds, and had a caretaker attend to it when he was gone. Supposedly, he had lots of houses all over the world.
I knew this, yet I still didn't know how old he was.
I knew he had been around for a long time, long enough to become practically immortal. That was strange, knowing someone was, like, a zillion years old but didnt look a day over twenty.
Strange may not be a strong enough word.
More like anomalous.
Yes, very anomalous.
I picked my clothes off the floor, pulling on my jeans and putting on my VS bra.
Hey, even if my mom was evil, it didn't mean I couldn't splurge on nice things for myself every once and a while.
I walked out of my room, down the hall, down the stairs, and into the giant living room.
I walked down another hall, hoping to find the kitchen, and I did. In front of me was an overly ornate kitchen, just like the whole house. The only bad thing is that it didn't have electricity, or any new things invented since the eighteen hundreds.
That made it kinda sucky.
The countertops were marble, with large white cabinets. It was not layed out like a new kitchen, it had no fridge, microwave or dishwasher, but it had a stove, oven and sink. The stove and oven were both cast iron, and the sink had a pump, probably from a well. I dove deeper into the kitchen, and I found an ice chest with perishable foods in it. I decided to make pancakes, so I pulling out flour, eggs, milk, sugar, baking powder, and water. By the end I had everything I was surprised this ancient kitchen held it all. I was expecting to make eggless, milkless pancakes.
I started the stove, knowing how to since I had used one of those old stoves before.
I poured the batter into the pan, loving the smell as it sizzles. As soon as they bubbled I flipped them, making them a perfect brown.
Once the pancakes were done, I placed the pan in the sink and sat on the counter, my plate of three pancakes in my lap. I found a tiny bottle of syrup, and put it in a bowl to dip my cakes in.
I love eating pancakes with my hands.
Those pancakes were delicious.
"What are you eating?"
I dropped the pancake onto my plate.
With my mouth full, I replied, "Pampakes!"
I turned and looked at him, drinking in his lean frame.
He smiled at me, "You know, Its rude to snoop in strangers kitchens."
I smiled back, finally swallowing my food, "I wasn't snooping, your not a stranger, and I was looking for food when my nose led me here."
Nolan laughed, amused, "Well tell your nose not to snoop."
"My nose will snoop if my nose wants to snoop."
He laughed again, a wonderful, carefree laugh that I've never heard before.
It was nice.
"So, what are you eating?" He asked again.
I frowned, "Do you not know what pancakes are?"
He shrugged, "No."
I gasped at him, horrified, "What?"
"What are pancakes?"
I gasped, "Pancakes are the most easy, delicious food to make!"
He shrugged again.
"Can you eat people food?" I asked. His face went strange, he frowned and tapped his finger to his chin.
"I guess so..."
I hopped off the counter, smiling, "Great! Looks like someone's gonna get to try pancakes today."
I pulled off a slice of pancake, dipped it in syrup, and handed it to him.
He took it hesitantly, "Are you sure it tastes good?"
I growled, frustrated, "Yes! No try it or I will shove it down your throat!" To prove my point I grabbed his arm and tried leading it to his mouth.
It was like trying to move a boulder.
A very handsome boulder at that.
After I let go, he gave me a strange look. Finally, though, he lifted the pancake slice to his mouth and plopped it in. I stood on my toes, transfixed.
He chewed for a minute, tilted his head thoughtfully, then swallowed.
I waited apprehensively.
"That's not bad."
I let out a breath, maybe he wasn't completely crazy.
"Good, I thought you were crazy!"
After a minute of silence I asked, "So, what do you eat around here?"
He raised an eyebrow.
I slapped my forehead, "Oh yeah. You eat people."
He studied me, "Does that disgust you?"
I shook my head, "Not really, I mean kinda, but your so nice and reserved you don't really seem like a murderer. And your, like, appealing to the eyes, I mean your heart, " I added quickly, "it's appealing. Not that I don't think your physically attractive, it's just, you know..." I trailed off when I noticed him watching me.
He looked into my eyes, "Your not like any girl I've ever known."
I blushed. It was rare I ever got any compliment from men. Definitely not any this hot.
He leaned close, until our bodies were only one foot apart. I sucked in a breath, "Your not like anyone I've ever know too."
He leaned in, placing his hand on my cheek. He bent down and brushed a feather of a kiss on my lips.
Two seconds.
Two pillow soft lips on mine.
Two times my heart skipped.
He leaned back, I looked into his eyes.
His blue eyes were laced with so much desire it shocked me.
He kissed me again. He placed his other hand on the small of my back, pulling my body against his. Shivers ran through me, but not from the cold.
I entwined one hand in his hair, the other hand on his chest. He deepened the kiss, and I let him. He let his hand slip under my shirt, caressing my stomach. I bit back a moan.
His other hand held the back of my neck. I moved my hands shakily around his back, feeling the muscles.
Damn he was ripped.
His mouth left mine, only to trail kisses down my neck. I sucked in a breath. His mouth was warmer than usual from my skin, leaving a trail of heat down my neck. His mouth moved to my shoulder, and he slipped the sleeve of my shirt down, exposing more of it. He left a million tiny kisses all down my neck and shoulder.
His mouth found mine again, kissing away all rational thoughts. His hands slid around my sides and he pushed me up onto the counter. I wrapped my legs around him, and leaned closer, pressing his body tighter to me. His hand slipped back under my shirt.
"Lift your arms." His voice was hoarse and ragged.
I lifted my arms.
He pulled my shirt off.
His eyes traveled down my torso.
"Lean back."
I leaned back onto the counter.
He kissed my stomach, starting from my belly button he worked his way up.
I moaned.
His hands held my sides, it may have been my imagination, but he seemed like he was shaking. I learned up slightly and started unbuttoning his shirt. I got frustrated, so I just ended up ripping his shirt off.
His hands moved behind my back, and he pulled me up against him again.
His skin was ice.
He kissed me again, the kind of kiss that started fires and put stars in the sky.
The kind of kiss I never knew existed.
I moved my hands to his stomach, trailing my fingers down his abs. My hands stopped at his pants, debating.
Just as I was about to undo the button on his pants a voice sounded behind me.
"Well, Well. What do we have here?"

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