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Nolan released a breath and raised his eyes to mine, "Katrina."

His voice was relieved, he seemed happy to see me alive.

My mouth opened. I was relieved Nolan was here, or course, but he had just murdered someone in front of my own eyes.

"Nolan?" My voice came out as a shuddered gasp.

My legs gave out, sending me toppling to the ground, but Nolan was there to catch me, to make sure I didn't fall.

My neck was aching, and my mind felt like it had been put through a meat grinder and spit back out in a million pieces. Nolan's hand gripped the back of my neck, holding it in place. The effects of the fight were just hitting my body, which made it feel like I had been struck by lightning and run over by a stampede. He held me gently, as to not hurt me more than I had been already.

"It's okay, love, I'll bring you back and you'll be okay," His voice was smooth, and deep, it sent rumbles through his chest.

He scooped me into his arms, bridal style, and ran. The trees zipped by in a blur, making everything look striped. Soon, through the haze I could see the turrets on Nolan's mansion. He flew throughout the door, through halls. When he stopped, I realized Nolan had laid me down on the living room sofa, fluffing pillows under my head.

I spoke, "I think he broke my neck," My voice was hoarse and scratchy.

Nolan's hand brushed my cheek, "I think he did too, love, but the pain will pass, it will heal." His voice was reassuring.

I wanted to tell him the pain had already passed, that I was already fine, but an agony ripped through my skull, making white spots dance across my vision.

I groaned.

Nolan's hand found my own, and I gripped it like a lifeline, happy he was here for me, happy he cared. Through the hazy red of pain, I started to feel a numbness as my body healed the damages dealt. I was suddenly overcome with the urge to close my eyes, I had become unbelievably tired. My mind wanted to sleep.


And I let it.


When I had awoken I realized I didn't know where I was. I laid in a large bed, California king size, with black sheets and a dark oak wood frame.
It was massive.
The richness of the dark wood really set of the natural shine of the cherrywood. The walls were white, offset with giant thick red curtains that cut off nearly all the light coming in through the window. A dark oak side table was on the right of the bed, and it had a kerosene lamp atop it.
There were 2 windows on each wall, each 15 feet high, which was proportional to the the 20 foot high ceiling.
I realized I was in the giant room I had seen on the roof of the house.
Just like the ceiling in the library, this room also depicted scenes of chubby little cherubs in the clouds. The ceiling was vaulted, raising up to one center point.
Based on the style I realized this room must have belonged to Nolan.
I stepped out of the bed, enjoying the feeling of the crisp floors on my bare feet. There were stairs in the far right corner, so I decided to find out exactly where I was.
The stairs were a spiral, made of wrought iron, with swirls and designs embedded in the hard mineral. I ran my hand down the worn, smooth metal, and cautiously stepped down the stairs. I ducked my head to see which room I was in and was happily surprised.
It was the library.
I spotted Nolan, his back to me, sitting in the chair and facing the desk. He was writing something. I carefully stepped the rest of the way down the stairs, not making a single noise. I approached the table, but I hadn't realized there was a rug. A big, thick, Persian rug, and it's corner was turned up.
So of course I tripped.
The ground flew up at my face, so I snapped my eyes shut. Something wrapped around my waist, pulling me back up again.
I sighed, loved the feeling of his arms around me.
"You've got to learn how to walk properly, that's the second time this day," he mumbled.
I sucked in the sound of his voice, and closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around him in a hug.
"To my defense last time I had a broken neck."
He chuckled, and wrapped both arms around me. I snuggled my face into his chest, and listened to the silence that laid there.
I don't know how long we stood like that, but finally I asked, "What's the date today?"
I know it was a weird question, but I might be 16 now, if it was past May 23, then I was 16.
Nolan released me, and stepped backwards out of my arms.
He raised an eyebrow at me, "Its May 25."
I smiled, I was officially 16, now I wouldn't be stuck in the body of a 15 year old, I would be stuck in the body of a 16 year old for eternity.
Or would I live for eternity?
My lips turned down into a frown, I scrunched my eyebrows together, "Do you think I'll die of old age, or will I even age at all?
Nolan caught my eyes and sighed, "I have no clue, there's nothing in any books about what you are, only time will tell."
What a morbid thought, Katrina, the invincible supernatural dies of old age.
I turned away from him, embarrassed at the prospect of me dieing of old age and him staying young.
He stepped close, he put his hand under my chin and lifted my eyes to his.
"What's wrong?"
I sighed, and told him about my birthday, but I hadn't told him about my worry of my age, of dieing. There was a 50 50 chance of my death, or my preserved life.
I wanted choice 2.
Nolan seized my arms, "You'll be fine, I promise, love. I won't let you die no matter what."
I smiled.
"What?" He was confused.
I smiled more, "You care about me?"
His mouth popped open, "Of course I care about you."
My insides unraveled.
One thousand times.
"I thought you hated me." I said, absolutely stunned.
His arms wrapped around me, pulling me close.
His thumb brushed my cheek, "I could never hate you."
He leaned close, and brushed his lips against mine.
They were so soft.
So, so soft.
He pulled his lips away from mine.
I pressed myself against him, loved the feeling of him against me. I slid my hands under his shirt, revelling the feeling of his skin on mine. He picked me up, sensing my urgency, and, in a blur, ran up the stairs and threw me onto his bed.
He was on top of me, his eyes lit up from the inside.
He kissed me on the lips, a slow, teasing kiss. I pulled at his shirt, wanting it off.
No words were necessary.
His shirt was gone.
He pulled at mine, plucking it off of me. He kissed me up and down, my neck, my stomach. He toyed with the waistband of my pants. His face hovered above mine, he met my eyes and smiled. A straight, white toothed smile.
I smiled back.
My pants were slid off.
Nolan crouched above me, face cast in shadow due to the dim light, and looked at me. He kissed me again, a deep kiss. I slid my hands along his back and stomach, savoring the pure muscle there. He broke the kiss, and trailed more kisses down my neck, and over my jaw, which sent shivers through my whole body.
My breath hitched as his hands trailed down my legs. A haze filled my mind as I was overcome with sensation.
Nolan was ripped off of me.
He jumped back, away from me.
He was breathing heavy, "No."
He disappeared.
Like always.

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