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The tea was good.
Perfect amount of sugar.
Perfect taste.
Perfect cup.
Perfect temperature.
All perfect thanks to the perfect man sitting perfectly across from me.
I sipped on my tea, loving the taste, as I sat on the couch in the overly large living room of Nolan's house.
The living room had white walls and cherry flooring like the library.
His house was 100% mansion.
The windows were tall, doorways wide, and there never seemed to be an end to the house.
I wondered what the outside looked like.
Nolan was in the kitchen, which was equally large, making more tea, since I had already drank a whole pot.
Let's say I was a teeny bit thirsty.
The couch was old, like victorian old. I learned that the house was from the Victorian era, and still had the Victorian era furniture from what I could tell. Sunlight filtered in through the massive windows spaced five feet apart on the far left wall.
Nolan sauntered into the room. He had changed his clothes, he now wore black jeans, black leather boots, and a black button up shirt. Ooh he looked good.
Speaking of clothes, I was curios about mine.
I gestured toward my sheet, "Where did you put my clothes?"
He looked at me, his gaze travelled over my sheet, "Oh, yeah," he sounded distraught, "let me get that for you."
In a blur he had set down the new tea and rushed away. In a matter of seconds later he was back, a bundle of clothes in his arms.
He didn't meet my gaze, "You had blood all over them, so I washed them while you were sleeping."
Something irked me, "How did you get my clothes?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
He blushed.
He blushed.
He blushed.
A part of me died inside.
Is it possible for vampires to blush?
He opened his mouth to speak, but shut it again. Instead he gave me a half smile for a sort of yes.
I waved my hand, shrugging it off, "Nolan, it's okay, I really don't care."
He handed me my clothes, but his movements were strained, awkward.
I layed my clothes next to me on the couch, deciding I could change later.
He let out a breath, "Okay, well since you obviously have lots of questions," I leaned forward at this, "I'll answer a couple."
Good. I had lots of questions.
Even though I already knew the answer, I asked anyway, "What are you?"
He laughed, "I'm a vampire."
I nodded. I was freaked out. Totally freaked out, but I knew he wouldn't try to hurt me. When my mom started to beat me I think she beat out my sense, because a normal person would be screaming and running away right now.
But I'm not normal.
I am far from normal.
I hesitated before asking the next question, "So what am I?"
He sighed and sat back on the couch across from me. He set his elbows on his knees and leaned forward, "That, Katrina, is what I would like to know."
I frowned, "How can we figure out what I am?"
He shrugged, "I have some idea, maybe pull out a couple books from the library, but the only options would be either a dog, mer, or a vamp."
I nodded, but I really had no clue what he was talking about.
He stood, "Do you want to come to the library with me?"
I didn't answer for a minute, but I finally managed a small nod. I stood up grabbed my clothes, put them in my hand and pulled my sheet tighter.
He walked to me and stood close enough to where I could smell him. I will tell you, he smelt amazing.
Looking into my eyes he said, "Are you okay?"
I frowned, thought a minute, and answered honestly.
"No, I'm not okay."
He sighed, "Well that's normal, I guess. If you were okay I'd think you were crazy."
I looked at my hand, which I had intwined with my clothes and held them loosely in front of my stomach.
Nolan was standing close, almost too close. I was about to step back, away from him and away from my feelings, but before I could, he scooped me up in a hug. At first I tensed, but then I melted into him, curling my hands holding my clothes into his shirt. I pressed my cheek to his chest and he wrapped his arms around my back, trailing his fingers up and down my spine.
I shivered despite myself.
I pressed my face deeper into his shirt, inhaling his scent, "Thank you."
His hands stopped on my back.
"What do you mean?" His voice rumbled his chest.
"Thank you for helping me, with letting me stay here, and my mom..." I trailed off.
He pulled away, and looked into my eyes.
His face was serious, "I'll help no matter what."
He leaned in, so close, and I thought he would kiss me, but instead he buried his face in the crook of my neck, breathing me in.
"You smell wonderful." He groaned.
I blushed, glad he couldn't see my face, "Thanks," I said awkwardly.
He pulled away, face suddenly closed off.
And then, like a flash, he was gone.

Wassup my reader needers? So what do you think Katrina should be?
Omg please vote because it's like candy to a fat man!
Give the fat man his candy!

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