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"Okay, class. Settle down!", the teacher shouted. "Im Jaewoo, be quiet!"

"Sorry, cher!", he said while laughing.

"I've got an announcement to make. Park Miyoung would be transferring schools tomorrow.", he said. Everybody became rowdy all of a sudden. "Miyoung-ssi, would you like to say something?"

I stood up from my seat and headed to the front. I faced everyone and smiled. "Thank you for being my classmates and I'm sorry if I ever did anything wrong to you." And that's it.

By the end of the day, Gyuri and her minions surrounded my desk. 

"Miyoung-ah, why are you leaving so suddenly?", Gyuri asked. "Why didn't you tell us anything?" I ignored her.

"Yah, Miyoung-ah, I thought  we're friends.", she said.

I grabbed my bag and looked at her. "I thought so too."

When I got out the classroom, I got pinned to the wall.

"Let go of me.", I said.

"Miyoung, are you gonna miss me?", Jaewoo asked.

"I said, let go of me.", I said, ignoring the question.

"Something's missing..."

"Please let go of me." 

"You gotta stop being rude in your new school, okay?", he said. Then, he leaned closer to my ear. "Don't get any boyfriends.", he whispered. Then, he let go and messed with my hair.

Tch. Who cares if I get a boyfriend? It's none of his business. 

"I'm home.", I said as I arrived home.

"Welcome home.", a boy's voice said. Wait, a boy?

I dropped my bag on the floor. "Soonyoung?" He just smiled.

I ran to my room and hugged my pillow. What is he doing here?! Why?? Huhh???

"We're going to have dinner together.", he said as if reading my mind as he stood by the door.

Then, he entered and sat on my bed. "Cute room.", he said, looking around.

"Who told you to enter a girl's room?", I told him. I glared at him but he just laughed at me.

"This is my first time entering one. And chill, you're going to be my sister soon anyway so expect me to come in anytime.", he said.

"Then, I'll always lock the door.", I said.

"Then, I'll use my lock picking skills to get in.", he said, making hand gestures of doing it.

"I bet you don't even know how to."

"I admit I don't even know how to."

Then we both went silent. "So, what are the things you like?", he said, breaking the silence.

"Hmm... I'm not really a fan of anything. But I would say I like to draw.", I answered.

"Then, draw me now.", he said, putting himself in front of me.

"I didn't say I was good."

"Who cares if you're not, I want to see your drawing."

"If you want to see some, then I'll show you some." I headed to my cabinet and pulled on the drawer. I grabbed a paper of a drawing of a butterfly I made.

He took it from me. "Woah, who told you you're not good? This looks real." I just shrugged and rubbed my arm.

"What about you? What are the things you like?", I asked.

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