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A/N: I love this picture of Soonyoung (refer to picture above). His side profile is just one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. lololol

We sneaked in the house at around five in the morning like Soonyoung said. I was asleep the whole ride but I still felt so tired. I don't have any memory of going in the car, though. Once I entered my room, I crashed on my bed and slept for another hour. 

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder. I groaned, "Soonyoung, stop it."

That person chuckled. "Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Soonyoung."

I peeked one eye. "Mom?", I groggily asked. "What time is it?"

"It's seven in the morning, dear. What time did you get here? I thought you were at your friend's house."

I sat up and wiped my face with my hand. "I was and I got here just a while ago. I forgot to take my uniform with me.", I lied. 

She just nodded her head. "Well, you should get prepared for school now. Don't want to be late!~"

"Yes, mom."

After dressing into my uniform, I went downstairs for breakfast. Dad was there reading the newspaper. "Morning.", I greeted. 

He smiled at me. "Morning.", he greeted back. "By the way, Miyoung, have you seen Soonyoung?"

What? He's still asleep? That's rare. "Isn't he just sleeping in his room?", I said.

"Is that so? Can you call him for me?"

I followed instructions and went back upstairs to Soonyoung's room. I knocked before going in. "Soonyoung, I'm coming in."

I walked in to a tidy room. His sheets weren't moved an inch. I looked around, he wasn't there. Noone was using the bathroom either. I looked at every corner in the house. Then, I went outside. The car we used was there, but he wasn't. Where is he?

"Dad, Soonyoung's not here.", I told him.

"Tch, that kid. I told him to stop gaming so much." Dad shook his head. "It's alright. I was just going to ask him about something in work. You should get to school now, you might run late."

So I skipped breakfast. I actually got to school late. I didn't have time to worry about the stares I was receiving when I was worrying over the disappearance of Soonyoung. I almost forgot the rumors started spreading just yesterday. I looked around school, too, but I was up to no luck. And that's what I did for the whole day.

He wasn't at home when I arrived back. When it was time to go to sleep, all I did was stare blankly at the ceiling. I couldn't stop worrying and wondering where he is. He didn't even say anything to me when we arrived at home. He just... went. I frowned for the millionth time this day. 

The following day, it was the same. Mom started worrying, too. Dad kept a straight face, but I bet we're all feeling the same thing. I went to school and people still gave me looks of torment. It can't be helped 'cause people love the drama. And the drama's just getting worse from here...

Soonyoung, where are you?

A/N: short updateuuu~ beep boop

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