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A/N: the other filler chap~~ please take note that my filler chaps are stupid and boringgg

After a morning of inappropriate matters, we set ourselves on the couch like potatoes. There was nothing really good on TV and we've watched almost all the DVDs we have at home, so we were watching the Nat Geo channel.

The living room was pretty messy. Soda cans and bags of chips were open on the coffee table. We were laying down, not paying attention to the screen anymore. We've reached the end of boredoom.

"Hey, anything else you want to do?", Soonyoung asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Why don't we clean up first?"

"Good idea."

We picked up our trash and went out to put it in the bigger trashcan outside. We stayed under the heat of the afternoon sun for a while.

"Those crutches...", Soonyoung suddenly said. "They're good props for dancing."

"Y'know what they're also good for? Being a weapon." It's true though. Stand on your good foot and smack your enemy as fast as you can. 

"What's with you and violence?" He sighed. "No, really. Let me borrow them."

I leaned on the nearby wall and handed him the crutches. He looked at them first, as if figuring how to use them. He tried balancing himself on it, then later you'll see him spinning and doing these crazy things with it. The mind of dancers is far different from mine. 

"Cool.", I simply said. It really is. I can never do it.

"Okay.", he simply replied. Then, we both went inside. 

Maybe it's because of how hot it is that we feel so lazy like this. We may have the money but, we don't have air conditioning for the whole house (because save energy, SAVE MOTHER EARTH). The two of us were feeling the same feeling of not wanting to get up at all. 

"I want ice cream.", I said.

"Then, get from the fridge.", he said.

"We ran out."

"Huh?!! We did?!" He suddenly got up. "Hurry! To the grocery store!" 

"Ehhh~ I have to walk." Maybe it's also because of this damn sprain I feel lazy...

"Don't worry! I'll carry you!" He scooped me up from the couch to his arms.

He carried me bridal-style. It would've been romantic if only we didn't enter the groceries in our pajamas like this. Yup, we haven't even taken a bath yet.

He didn't care about the stares from the normal citizens of this country. He had a goal. And that was to buy ice cream.

We were almost there but there were free taste stalls that were so welcoming. We stopped by one that was selling cheese and milk. I didn't like milk, so I tasted the cheese. I'm glad I did. Since there was a variety of cheese, I tried as much as I can. After that, there was one selling rice cakes, so they had ddeokbokki prepared while the next one had ramyeon. We didn't eat a proper meal for lunch, that's why we're taking a lot.

Maybe it's because it looked like we liked the product, a lot of people came by to the stalls we went. We have a future in endorsing products.

We arrived at the freezer with the wide selection of ice cream. I want Vanilla but he wants Strawberry.

"But Vanilla's boring.", he told me.

"It's still ice cream! We always have Vanilla at the convenience store.", I argued.

"That's the only flavor they have. Get anything other than Vanilla."

"Don't discriminate Vanilla. It's a really good flavor."

"But it's too plain~~!" He whined. I pouted then got the flavor he wanted in the first place. On our way home, he carried me on his back. I had the ice cream on my hand. 

"Hey, hold on to me properly.", he told me as he struggled carrying  me.

"I'm ha-bing a hard time balan-shing myself too, y'know. "

He looked back at me. Oh, the joy of looking at his annoyed face. "Where'd you get the spoon?!"

I gulped before answering. "We were at the grocery. It's available there." I took out the plastic spoons from the bag.

"I can't believe you... how are you eating the ice cream already?"

"You want?" I fed him a spoonful of ice cream. His face melted into the sweetness. "Let's stop there and eat this." I pointed at a bench.

It's almost the end of our lazy day as the sky turns purplish and pinkish, right as we eat this delicious ice cream. It's hard to believe we finished a whole container without stopping. 

"I'm not eating dinner anymore.", I said.

"Same.", he said. Then, as if by coincidence, both of us slid down on our seat at the same time. "What are we doing next?"

"We go home... Take a bath, I guess.", I answered.

"Yeah, we may smell bad by now."

"We do smell bad."

"Let's go." Back on to his back I go, and back to the house we went. After taking a bath, the two of us plopped ourselves back to the living room couch and watch the boring TV channels. It was so boring, we drifted off to sleep and had our sweet dreams for the night.

A/N: Yup told you boring chap. Punish me for not updatinggg sooner mianhaee (virtually slap me please)..... But the next chapter's gonna be up i promise this

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