One Fine Day pt.2

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  I wasn't being serious when I said I do want to go to the beach. It's the perfect weather, but it's so far away.

"Yah, Mingyu,", I called. "Are you serious?"

He nodded. "Mm. We're going because you want to."

"I wasn't being serious though."

"Then, we're going because I want to."

We waited for the bus. It was a spontaneous trip to the beach so we hadn't prepared any clothes or beach material with us. If only I could just take off my clothes and let my underwear be my swimsuit. I don't understand why wearing a bikini is okay but seeing women in their bras is sexual. But then there's also Mingyu... I'm not ready to let him see my bare body.

The bus finally came. We sat beside each other, him on the window side. I started getting sleepy after a while so I dozed off. 

I woke up in a comfy position. I realized my head was on Mingyu's shoulders. I looked up at him and saw he was sleeping too. I looked out the window and saw the sea. We arrived at our destination. I just woke up at the right stop. I nudged Mingyu.

"Mingyu~ We're here already." He made a cute whining noise. "Yah!" I pinched his nose.

He made a snorting noise and woke up suddenly. "I thought the air stopped working.", he said with wide eyes. I giggled.

"Pabo. How can that happen? We're here already, so get ready."

We got out of the bus and breathed in the sea breeze. It was so blue. Lots of people were at the beach probably thinking the same as us.

"Let's go!" Mingyu suddenly ran off to the shore.

"Yah! Wait for me!" I chased after him.

I stood at the shore, looking out to the ocean, wondering how many miles another land is from here. I let the water brush my feet but then Mingyu suddenly pushed me. I fell into the water.

"Yah, you jerk!" He was just laughing at me. I pulled him into the water. I grinned."Now, we're both wet."

We splashed salty water to each other. The skies started to turn pink and purple. We didn't even give time to think we didn't bring extra clothes. Then we sat on the sand, feeling cold.

"We look pretty miserable, shivering here.", I said.

"Wait here.", he said.

He went into a nearby shop and bought a towel for both of us. I wrapped myself in it to keep myself warm. 

"We should get going. It's getting dark.", he said. He held his hand out for me so I could get  up. But then it started raining soon after I stood up.

We ran to the nearest shade. We shivered more than we already had.

"I guess, with that intense heat a while ago, we should've expected this.", Mingyu said.

I couldn't answer him because it was getting really cold. All of the sudden, warmth was wrapped around my body. Mingyu, who was just beside me, went behind me and wrapped me in a hug.

"Are you warmed up now?", he asked.

I did start feeling warm, especially my face. I wanted to smile, but because we're in a public area, I pulled away from him. 

"I-I'm fine now.", I stuttered. "Oh, look! The bus is here." I rushed in the vehicle. I could hear him chuckle behind me.

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