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Today, I'm laying in bed, feeling like I'm gonna die.


Earlier today...

"I'll be going now!", I shouted to make mom know. She took a day off to take care of Soonyoung since I have to go to school. Good for me, I didn't get infected by the Hoshi virus. 

As I was about to step out of the house, I had the urge to clutch my tummy. It hurt so much I rushed to the bathroom. 

After I was done there, I headed to my room to get necessary stuff then went back to the bathroom. I went out and mom saw me out of my school uniform.

"It's that time, mom.", I told her. She understood right away. This always happens whenever it's time. And it sucks. I'm hurting to an extent I don't think I can go to school. Physically and emotionally. I wish the whole world would understand the pain I'm bearing. I feel like suffocatingggg. I'm exaggerating but who cares. Why does the body of a woman have to go through this? I'm asking you, God. 

I went to my room and laid in bed. I tried to rest comfortably but it's hurting so much. I had to go to the bathroom a lot. I drank the medicine but it doesn't entirely help. 

After thinking my body's insides have calmed down, I decided to watch TV in the living room. I saw Soonyoung there sitting so comfortably. I plopped down near him. I grabbed the remote on the coffee table and changed the channel.

"You okay already?", I asked. He nodded in response.

"Oi,", he said. "I was watching. Give it back."

"No.", I replied, hiding the remote to my side.

Then he tackled me for the remote. There were a lot of shouting and stealing. But then that feeling came back. I gave up the remote to him and went for the bathroom.

"Miyoung! Your butt's bleeding!", Soonyoung said, looking shocked.

"shit...", I muttered.

"Are you okay? Was I too rough on you?", he asked, concerned. "Could it be... are you on your---"

"YES I AM!", I cut him off. Wow, talk about embarrassing... "If you excuse me." I rushed to the bathroom and changed. 

I had to pass by the living room to get to my room. I'm still embarrassed to see Soonyoung so I tried to walk past.

"Hey, you know you bled on the couch, right?", he said.

My eyes widened. I looked over and saw there was a stain on the couch. I quickly went to clean it. But as I was cleaning it, someone was watching me.

"I can't believe that came from inside you.", Soonyoung said. I looked at him, thinking 'did you really just say that?'  It's already bad enough he saw my bloody butt but leaving a stain on the couch makes me feel worse. 

"Do you mind?", I asked him.

"Oh, yeah... I'm gonna, uh, go to my room.", he said, walking away. I continued cleaning but his head peeked back from the stairs. "Make sure I'd see nothing when I come back.", he said, making me annoyed.

"LIKE I DON'T KNOW THAT!", I shouted. 

I finished cleaning making sure there wasn't any stain left. But I took the cover and put it in the laundry instead. I went to my room and jumped on my bed. Damn, hormones... 

"I'm not going anywhere."

A/N: lame update sorryyy. i know this is too exaggerated but it is fiction (๑・▱・๑) 

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