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A/N: Ayo

It would be only a few more days before that Senior's Night thing Soonyoung invited me to. Specifically, in two more days. I'm in a wreck. I have nothing to wear. I don't know what to wear. Never in my life had I ever thought I would be worrying about clothes like a typical girl would.

Two knocks on my door followed by a voice saying, "Can I come in?"

"Um, okay, sure.", I answered. 

Soonyoung comes in my room as usual with a bag of chips. He closes the door behind him and walks toward my bed. "Why does it seem like you're having an existential crisis?", he asks.

I was lying down on my bed, staring at the ceiling with a blank face. "But I'm not.", I said. "At least, not right now."

He lied down beside me. "Tell me. Anything wrong?"

I sighed. "Well, that Senior's Night of yours is near and I have nothing  to wear."

"Oh~ What's this? Are you finally acting like a girl?"

I tried to slap his stomach but he swatted my hand away before I could. "Tch, I was always a girl."

He took a chip and fed me one. "Why not wear that one we bought before?"

"Which one?"

"Remember that black dress? Then, wear those white shoes with it, too."

"Oh... oh, yeah."

He chuckled. "I'm glad I bought that for you."

"Yepp, thanks."

"Now, there you go, problem solved."

"That was quick."

"Yepp." His face then hovered over mine. He grinned from ear to ear. It was annoying but it was cute.


"Nothing. I'm just looking at you."

I cupped his face with my hands. "Your face is too close." My eyes averted to his lips and I gave him a quick peck. 

"But you love it, anyway.", he said before closing the distance between us again. 

His whole body topped mine. I couldn't get out of my bed as his grip were too tight. What were sweet, gentle kisses a while ago have turned into quick, sloppy kisses. 

"Ah!" I was surprised when he bit my lower lip, but I shouldn't have opened my mouth if only I had known he was putting his tongue in. I opened my eyes to look at him, but he was so concentrated with his actions. He explored my mouth and I quickly fell under his control.

I panted for air as he parted our lips. He trailed down wet kisses from my jaw to my neck. He bit the skin on my neck and I pursed my lips to keep any noise from coming out. I could feel his hand lifting my shirt up. I was too subjected to him to refuse.

"Miyoung-ah?", a voice spoke on the other side of my door. 

Alarmed, I pushed Soonyoung away and he fell on the floor. I quickly fixed myself then mom opened the door. 

Mom saw Soonyoung on the floor, then looked at me. "What were you guys doing?'', she asked. 

"Us? Oh, uh, we were fighting over the bag of chips.", I answered. 

"And I won.", Soonyoung said, grabbing the chips that fell on the floor with him.

It took a second for mom to be convinced. "Okay, anyway, have you seen my glasses?"

"No.", the two of us said in unison. 

My mom just nodded then mumbled to herself. Then, she flashed us a smile. "Well, it's getting late now and there's school tomorrow. You two should go to sleep. Goodnight, then."

"Goodnight.", we both replied. Then, mom left the two of us alone.

I threw a pillow at Soonyoung. "Did you leave something on my neck?", I asked him, pointing at it.

He hesitated before answering. "No."

I got out of bed, not believing him. I looked at my mirror and there it was. A hickey. "Oh my god, I can't believe this." I groaned in frustration.

"Well, it isn't that obvious. Just hide it with your hair.", he said, walking towards me.

"Stay away from me.", I stopped him before he could get closer. "Until this thing you gave me vanishes, you are to stay five feet away from me."

"What? How can I do that?", he pouted. "Miyoung-ah , I'm sorry~ Anything but staying away from you~"

"Fine. You can't kiss me on your Senior's Night."

"Nooo~ Not that, too~ It's impossible!"

"Then, you can't come in my room for a week, how 'bout that?"

He frowned but agreed. "Fine. I won't do that."

"That settles it. Now, go back to your room!"

"Eh~ But I'm not sleepy yet.", he whined.

"I'll make it two weeks if you don't get out this instant."

He dashed towards my door. "Goodnight, Miyoung~" Then, he slammed the door shut.

I looked back at the mirror and sighed. I touched my neck, right where he left a bruise on it. "This is gonna need a thick layer of foundation.", I muttered to myself.

A/N: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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