ChaPter 14

8 4 0

Sorry I've been taking a while to update!

Before I even know what I'm doing, a throwing star has been launched from my hand. It hits her shoulder firmly and I hear her sharp intake of breath as she pulls it out.

Black droplets of blood pour on to the white snow, forming a stark contrast as her calm expression changes to a one of pure fury and rage.

She was not expecting that and there a whole lot of where that came from.

As I raise my sword, I hear the battle cried from behind me while everyone runs into the ultimate battle between good and evil.

This is it.

Surprisingly, the only thing I can think of at that exact moment as I'm running towards her gray hollow eyes are Lucia's words.

'Expect the absolute worst.'

I wake with a jolt that knocks me on the floor. I try to catch my breath, wiping the beads of sweat from my forehead.

"It was just another dream..." I slowly whisper to myself, trying to remember everything I saw in the dream before it faded away.

Gray eyes, armies, snowing battlefields, black blood, throwing stars....

I have got to see a therapist...

I shake my head at the thought before untangling my feet from the bed cover and getting up.

It's 5 A.M which means I'm right on time to perform the protection spell.

I jump up to grab the piece of paper Lucia left for me, already feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins even though I did not sleep well.

"Okay Nora, you can do this," I whisper encourgently to myself before opening the cabinet to grab the salt.

I carefully draw a circle with the salt around myself, smiling at it when I'm done and after a quick glance at the spell Lucia handed it, I realize that I, somehow, already know it.

I let the paper drop the ground before closing my eyes and letting the words and power freely flow through me.

"Guardians of the North, South, East, West...

Earth, Fire, Air, Water and Spirit

I ask you to watch over and protect me completely from any and all harm and evil,

please do not let my spells falter,

but instead,

help them prevail.

This is my will, so mote it be!"

The shock that runs through my body is barely there but I still felt it. I repeat the paragraph three times, each time more powerful than the other until suddenly, I feel all the elements dance around and inside of me.

I smell the rich smell of the soil and feel the branches of a tree gently caressing my face. I feel the strong heat of fire flushing my body only to be soon put out by the feel of the cool breeze against my skin. I then hear and smell and taste the sea before quickly, an eerie calmness fills me, and my soul is purified and protected by the five elements.

When I open my eyes, Lucia's amazed face is looking back at me.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" I ask, my voice hoarse. My head feels a little dizzy as I scatter the salt and lay in my bed.

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