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The day had gone by fast. Wrath, the king and head of household, agreed to let a small group of people travel with her to her house to get her belongings. Darius wasn't happy about her wanting to go along. But there were somethings she didn't want him to see. Things she wanted to get rid of now that she found someone she wanted. Things she wanted to hide. She struggled through the day while waiting for time to leave. She was missing class for this, with permission of Wrath. Something that didn't usually happen. In the van on the way to her house she was nervous. Would it still be the same? What would she take and what would she leave for the landlord? She didn't know. It would take hours for the packing. Since she hadn't thought about packing before her abduction. The sight of the caution do not enter tape caught her attention. Had bet landlord reported her missing? What happened to her apartment? She knew there was something off. Vishous told everyone to wait in the car to see if everything was alright. He came back five minutes later with the all clear. A pipe had burst and they needed to warn people off. How much of her stuff was destroyed? This she had to see.
"Where are we starting?" Asked Darius.
"I'll be in the bedroom and office. Everyone else in the other rooms. If it's wet set it aside and I'll look it over when finished." she said softly.
" Wrath wants us back in a few hours. That could take hours." Butch, Darius father, said.
"Then Darius and I will stay. This place is safe. I promise"
"I don't like this. If we aren't done I'm three hours we head back." Vishous said, " It may seem safe now, but if lessers come by in the day time... We are stuck. I can't leave you here. Wrath would kill me if Z doesn't kill me first."
"Wellsie if it's wet throw it out and just pack everything else I'll sort it later."
She turned and headed into her bedroom. Her bed would stay. She didn't need it. The furniture would stay as well. She emptied the drawers of he dresser into her suitcases and put them in the living room. She then went to the bathroom and sorted out her stuff into her personal items bag. She moved into her office and just packed what occupied space inside the furniture. She didn't need it anyways. By the time she was done most of her apartment was packed. She helped load the stuff into the van and helped pack the rest. They finished in two hours. She felt saddened to be leaving her apartment. She had felt safe there. She liked it. but now she had Darius who made her feel safe.
"I've talked with Wrath. How would you like to have a room right next to mine or even a connecting room?" Darius asked her.
"Oh um... I'm not sure. A room next to yours for now will be enough. Though I like having you near." She replied to him.
They got in the van and headed back to the mansion. She leaned against Darius and closed her eyes.
"Were you a foster child?" He asked after a while.
She sat up quick, "What? Why do you ask?"
"Some of the photo albums had foster care papers in them." He said, " With your name."
"How dare you snoop in my belongings. This is why I wanted to go alone." She was angry.
"I told you man. Dangerous waters." Vishous said with a chuckle.
The air in the van turned dark and tingled with energy. The chuckles from the front of the van stopped and everything fell silent. For the remainder of the ride it stayed that way. When they reached the mansion. The air followed her inside and stopped everyone in her path from speaking to her. She was beyond kissed. She needed a workout. One where she clobbered someone. She needed her father.

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