Aim 5 : The Inter-Training

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While I am walking with Zetta and Erie to our next class, Erie cuts the awkward silence with a sigh "I didn't know that they are still targeting you guys"Erie said out of the blue

I heard Zetta sigh while I just groan from annoyance"I don't know why either but I can't let them hurt more people... I'll find the people responsible about this but until then we have to keep our eyes peeled for anyone who is targeting us" Zetta replied with a serious tone without eye contact

I rubbed my temples to calm myself.

 Damn I can't believe they're still at us, but I still find it strange that they went for Xavier. If its us they want, won't they just take us down using some plan or something like the last time?

So why go all the trouble to try to kill Xavier?

Still the actual question at hand is... how on earth did he even  fight Ten highly armed and skilled assassins on his own without nothing more that a small cut on his right arm and a small bruise on his face?

It...could it be because of the training regime, but thats impossible that a normal student would survive unfazed.

Did Zetta even started her training with Xavier and what the hell is she even teaching  them?

"Say Zetta did by any chance  that, you guys started training for the up coming test?" I asked as I halt 

The two looked at me oddly, then Zetta quickly replied "No we haven't yet, why?" asking me back

"Its just's weird how Xavier manages to survive and a fight with those assassins on his own without proper training, I mean... don't you think its weird he even is capable of doing so in the first place, because I sure am puzzled by it" I said seriously as I looked at Zetta and then to Erie

"Hmm you do have a could he had survived?" Zetta said as she touched her chin

"Well I heard, he used to be a delinquent before right, so maybe... he got it from that?" Erie blurted as he tried to asnwer my question

Zetta gave a dead-pan looked at Erie,  hinted that she got pissed on what Erie said and tartly said"You and Alodia told me that those damn assassins are in pro level, right? Now tell me this, how can a mere delinquent be at that level of fighting with no proper training? Do you think this incident is what, childs' play? Because I sure am damn irritated if it is. We could had lost a life back there"

Erie apologize while I was frozen shut.

Damn she's really scary...though she does have a point...the guys that Xavier beaten up where no joke. 

According to the investigation the police made, all five of them are all high skilled assassins which was working to an unknown mafia there something more to Xavier Neumann... or is he bait..or a diversion?

or a diversion?

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