Aim 14: Two Pains of reality

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                                                                               [{(Previously on the Last Chapter)}]



Just Fuck....

I'm so dead...

Damn it!

I don't want to die a virgin!

What the hell....did I just thought about?!(0_0'\)

Curse this damn place for making me think of crazy stupid things!!

"Okay...guys we can think a way through this and killing him is not it!" Drake said at our team with conviction while trying to calm everyone which at that time was panicking

"Of course we know but...the writings.." Musa said trying not to panic

"We know what it said Okay! Let's just think! Because there is no way that this freaking Test will allow a student to die!!" Reed said as he clenched his fist because of frustration

I just took a deep breath and I opened my com-link to turn back to my normal character then I faced my team with a dead serious look

"SHUT THE HELL UP ALL OF YOU!!!" I yelled which made them all shut their freaking mouths "OK...before you guys slay me to pass your way outta here...mind letting me think of a way first"

"Uhm...sure but what is it? We don't want to hurt you since we know what will happen next" Logan said rather calmer than the rest

"How about we analyze it alright... What is the message again, Logan" I asked

"Huh? Uhm...T..The Leader's Blood is the key to the door of those who seek the mirror" he said rather stuttering

"Ok...let me ask you guys...did that ever said anything about killing Xavier Off?" Drake asked

" actuality it only said the leader's blood and not his life so basically the blood is the answer" Musa said looking amazed

"OK...let's get out of here" I said as I activated my character then I summoned a dagger that I used to create a cut on my palm which causes some drips of blood to fall on the chandelier.

After doing that the chandelier suddenly glowed before melting then turning into a gigantic beautiful mirror

"That over there is one big mirror...just beautiful" Drake stated with a smirk on his face

"Alright enough chit chat, let's get out off here" I said as I turned around to my team then I fell backwards from my card to the mirror which was like diving from a diving board through a pool of water.

The others of course freaked out and quickly followed me to the mirror.

Weird i turned back into my Inter-world Character...but in a certain glimpse of the water...i...i think i saw a...silhouette of a girl trying to save me...or maybe...its another illusion....



      As we all entered to the mirror/looking glass we all saw ourselves outside of the gate that looked like the gate that we entered but the gate had an Exit sign on it.

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