Aim 8 : {Phase 2}/ [Meeting The guys]

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=Time 4:30pm=

After that announcement on the official test scores from the first test, the second phase and its details, a lot of the students here started to create and join guilds.

A Lot of people asked me on joining   but I ended up refusing  because...

One, they're  the type of people I don't want to deal with, especially when it comes to things logic related like the maze labyrinth at the FTGMG Sky labyrinth.


I already have a guild.

My guild.

Well not yet but I am planning.

It also semms that Drake isn't doing much other than rejecting the same offers I was being shoved in to.

Is he still looking for teammates though?


Today sure is a hot Wednesday.

Due to boredom and heat, I've decided to go outside and try to use this Levi-board I got from my brother, which is a thin hover board that is made by this ultra thin but strong lavender-ish glass like mineral stone called Murasaishi.

This crystals was discovered underneath Cedar city a hundred years ago by a Japanese archaeologist.

Because of this mineral stone, it makes a great conductor of energy thus becoming a great alternative to the crystalline silicon solar cells they used in those old solar panels because the    Murasaishi crystals can last more than Ten years and is hard and durable won't break easily, the great thing about it is that it doesn't heat up easily because of the built in cooling system that is in this board.


As I was drifting my way to the school's Levi-board rink, I saw three Freshmen like me looking all worried by a bench near an oak tree as if they failed a test. Since I still got plenty of time to kill, I changed my coarse and went there.

"Hey what's with the long faces?" I asked as I landed in front of them, startling these guys

"N...nothing really" A brown hair,green eyed guy, that oddly looks like a cute girl, which is wearing a blue sweater and a striped scarf

"Well I couldn't say it was nothing Storm" A tall,Black haired,Green eyed, guy wearing a red coat and a green sweater chimes in the conversation while he adjust his coat

A black haired grey eyed guy sighed and said while adjusting his sleeves while reading his sky blue colored book "Yeah Shou has a point here "

"Of what? not having anyone taking us for their guild for the second test? Come on we still have two days we can still find a team to join in" Logan said trying to not be as passive as these two saps

The guy with the green eyes named Shou sighed and said " Look Logan, we're trying to find one but no one wants us because of our scores at the first test. Its just so hard to get in with out then knowing the scores we had. Reed had been rejected ten times yesterday and another five today by every guild we can get a hold on. The other guilds won't even answer our invitation"

"But still We need to try. Who knows maybe this guy knows some guilds who can take us in" Logan persistently begs the two to be positive

This gray eyed guy name Reed snorted "Ha! Him help us?! I doubt that he would...if he knew our scores"

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