Chapter 10

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Chapter 10, Harvey’s Point of View

           “I ran into some trouble,” Lila said at the same time Ashton replied “I’m going to beat someone up,” and my “Nothing.”

          Mom wasn’t too happy with any of our answers but had different reactions to all of us.  I got a glare which I couldn’t help but smile to, she rolled her eyes at Ashton, and gave Lila a sad look.  So maybe my answer was the most unbelievable but did it give any mother the right to glare at their son.

          “Lila I’d like to hear your story first because I’m sure it will answer Ashton’s need to beat someone up.”  For the first time I noticed how tired my mom looked lately and that maybe we’d be getting off easy this time.

          “Umm well there was this guy at school and he sort of took advantage of me,” she grimaced as she spoke and then continued with the whole story with Ashton adding input every now and then.

          Mom was hard in thought and the room was silent.  We were anxious for her answer that seemed eons away.  Lila looked worried though, I don’t see why it wasn’t her fault.

          “I’m really sorry,” Lila said quietly.  This seemed to snap my mom out of her thoughts.  She gave Lila a weak smile.

          “It’s certainly not your fault, it’ll be ok.”  Another smile towards Lila, “And you mister will not be beating anyone up or any further.  Dinner’s done.”  Mom left the room quickly and quietly.  We all followed her.

          Smells of delicious food came from the kitchen.  As mom disappeared into the kitchen Ashton and I plopped down on the couch.  Lila stood awkwardly next to us.  I patted the seat new to me and she hesitated before slowly walking towards the couch.  Mom walked out carrying a pot and frowned.

          "I thought we could all use the table in the dining room like a family,” she chimed.  I rolled my eyes and Ashton must’ve too because mom’s frown reappeared.

          “That sounds wonderful,” Lila replied with a smile oblivious to the reluctant mood in the room.  “In fact may I help you with anything?”

          “There’s some more dishes in the kitchen just grab on or two and place them on the table, boys go set the table.”  We all scurried towards the kitchen.

          It was a change from eating on the couch.  Because dad doesn’t come home anymore or very little, we don’t use the table.  I grabbed some of the paper plates from the cabinet and Ashton grabbed silverware.  We followed Lila who was carrying to plates of steaming food.

          I helped set the table and soon enough we were all eating like a family.  Things were pretty quiet most likely because we’ve already talked about how our day went.  I thought back over how it seemed well enough until Mike decided to show up and ruin it.  Things could have gone fine and there wouldn’t be such a heavy feeling of tension in the room.

          “So let’s talk about something else because we’ve already talked about you’re not so great day,” Mom said, her voice cut through the tension and silence like a chainsaw.

          “I thought about going over to Chad’s after dinner,” I said calmly.

          “I can’t even believe he went home today, I mean he stayed on our couch last night and got up really early to get his things.” Ashton put in before stuffing a meatball in his mouth.

          “Well Chad’s mom kicked his dad out of the house again today.  I also heard a rumor about her getting a divorce.”  Chad’s mom had kicked his dad out way too many times, it wouldn’t even surprise me if they are getting a divorce.  She’s better off without him anyways.

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