Chapter 3

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Chapter 3, Harvey's point of view

I went to bed early just so I could take a peak at the now sleeping Lila. I'm so lucky I found her, I'm so lucky I could save her. That monster had her and she escaped. It was a good thing that I caught her before they did. I thought it was all over when she twisted her ankle but I was there, I helped her. Me, I can make a difference. He always told me I couldn't do anything, I was worthless, that me and my brother were both worthless just like my mother. My mom is not worthless, far from it actually.

I just keep thinking about it though. I watched as Lila was running, as her hair bounced around her shoulders. It seemed to happen in slow motion too. She is beautiful and daring, why did this happen to her. She's so innocent, how did this happen. There's so many unanswered questions right now I feel like I'm going to die. I can't even fall asleep because I keep seeing her, and I remember every detail of how she looks.

When she was running, she was wearing a old jumper and this black fabric pants. She wasn't wearing any shoes and that bothered me. Her beautiful blue eyes keep going through my mind, they remind me of the sky and the ocean mixing together. Her brown wavy hair looks like it hasn't been brushed in months, years even. At least now she will have hygiene problems taken care of. Maybe she'll even be happy.

I heard the door creak open.

"Hey bro, you awake?" it was only my brother, but had I longed it to be Lila, a little bit.

"Yeah, come in," he walked over and sat at the end of my bed. He looked like he had been doing some thinking too.

"Are you thinking about Lila too, I mean you were the one who saved her," I looked at my brother. He was only a year younger than me and the same age as Lila but he knew just as much, maybe even more.

"Yeah, I just keep thinking how she's so innocent and then her life is screwed up," he looked at me like I was crazy.

"You know, I've never known you to be that curious. You've always believed curiosity did kill the cat," I made a stifled laugh, it was funny but there was still a heavy mood on the subject. "Yeah well I wonder that too I guess, isn't she a looker."

"Yes, we'll have to watch our friends there and the girls some of them are total bitches," he laughed.

"True, do you think Lila wants to find her old family? Do you think they're still looking for her?"

"They might be, and who knows what's going through Lila's mind, but if she wants to find them we should help," that's my new goal to help Lila and try to make her happy again, I desperately want to see her happy.

"Agreed, well better get to bed, night," he walked out of my room.

"Night," I rolled over and went to bed. How does ones life get messed up?

I woke to the smell of pancakes. Mom never makes pancakes unless it's a really special occasion, or that one time she tried to teach Ashton and that is how you spell disaster.

I stretched and got up, only in a pair of sleep pants I headed down stairs. I walked into the living room and Ashton was on the couch, but he was wearing a shirt and he never wears shirts. Then I heard Lila's voice and realized that she was here. Crap, I forgot all about her. I ran up the stairs and I could hear my brother chuckling. I found the nearest shirt and threw it on rushing back down the stairs.

"Oh, good morning Harvey," Lila had a smile on her face, was she really happy.

"Morning," she walked over the bathroom and closed the door leaving me and my brother alone on the couch.

"That was hilarious, what'd you do forget she was here?" I hated his smart ass tone.

"Maybe, but did you see what she was wearing?" he nodded, we both saw it. It was a pair of blue cotton short sleeping shorts with a tight sky blue tank top to match. She looked like she showered too because her skin was glowing and I couldn't see the dirt on her face anymore.

"She could turn some heads," I plopped down next to him.


Mom walked out holding a plate of fuming pancakes, perfect timing too because Lila walked out of the bathroom.

"Mmm, pancakes I haven't had these in forever," I don't think she had descent food in general. "Thanks Mrs. Cook," she found a plate and stuck four pancakes on it. I only had three and my brother had four. I guess I would be hungry if I just came from a that place too.

We all settled in and ate the pancakes, well mom and I ate them, Lila and Ashton devoured them, going back for seconds. I laughed as they begged for more pancakes and my mom gave in having to make more. While they eat I'll jut go get changed and then head out to go to Chad's. We have a rematch in basketball, someone wasn't happy I beat them.

I headed for the stairs and waited for anyone to stop me, like my brother wanting to come. No one did so I just kind of went ahead and left. I walked into my room and found a little note on my bed.


Thanks for saving me, if there's anything you ever need I'll help.


Well that was sweet I guess. I found a black t-shirt and some old jeans, it's not like I'm going anywhere fancy. I took a shower and then got changed. I headed downstairs where I found Lila and Ashton still eating. Do they ever stop.

"How much have you guys eaten," they stopped and looked at me.

"I've eaten 12 pancakes and Ashton's eaten 10. Where are you going?" that girl can eat.

"I'm going over to Chad's," Ashton don't you dare say anything, I don't want to have to watch you.

"Cool can I come?" Ashton asked, god now I have to or mom will be mad.

"Sure, you want to come Lila?" at least maybe she'll say yes and then she'll know one more person from school.

"I'd love to," she sounded more grown up today, like a good nights rest really helped her get her head on straight.

"Ok, get ready I'm leaving in 10 minutes," Ashton and Lila both jumped up with their pancakes and headed off towards the stairs.

I waited for five minutes and got nothing, what do they not get about a time limit. I will not wait for them all day. I heard shuffling but it was only mom.

"Lila can sure eat a lot can't she," mom said.

"Yeah, I've never seen a girl eat as much as her," she smiled.

"Give her time, she's been trapped in that wretched place with those wretched men, they don't feed them," mom always got really touchy on this type of stuff but today she just seemed angry.

"Hey mom, I was wondering if I could help Lila find her real family?" she started to clean things up but stopped when I asked this question.

"Of course, I never got to find mine so I think you should help her," I smiled and she walked out of the room. I hit my head on the door and slid down to the ground. This will be a long year but I'm willing to help at all costs and those men will never touch her again.

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