Chapter Nine

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A couple hours later, Abigail finally came back down stairs.

"Hey, how are you?" Ethan asked, trying to comfort her.

"I'm fine. Thanks."

"You didn't seem fine when you ran out of the closet." Emma said, walking over and handing Abigail a cup of punch.

"Well, I wasn't then." She paused and drank the punch. "But I am now."

"Don't worry guys," Peyton started. "She was probably just a little upset because she was nervous, right Abby?"

"No. That wasn't it at all."

"Come on." Peyton said as she sat down next to Ryan, grabbing his hand. "You've obviously never been with a guy before and being with a hottie like my Ryan got you a little scared. You don't have to be embarrassed. Everyone has a little freak out moment like that."

"Is that what you told everyone happened?" Abigail asked Ryan. "That I was nervous? That I freaked out?"

Before Ryan could answer Ava said, "Well come on Abby, can I call you Abby?"

Abigail looked confused and said, "I've told you to call me Abby like five times."

"You have?' Ava asked, pouring herself a drink. "Oh well. Anyways, it was pretty darn obvi that you were nervous. I mean why else would you run out of there like that? It's obvious you haven't had very much experience, if your catching my drift."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Abigail asked, clearly offended.

"Well look at you. No offense, but guys aren't really begging for your number." Ava said.

"Hey, that's messed up!" Ethan said, touching Abigail on the shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"Yeah!" Emma added. "Where do you get off talking to her like that?!"

"Well she's not wrong is she?" Peyton asked.

Abigail just awkwardly rubbed her arm.

"I thought so." Ava said, pretty pleased with herself.

"Come on Abby," Emma said, grabbing Abigail by the arm and pulling her towards the front door. "You don't have to sit here and listen to this! We're leaving!"

"Where are you going?" Ryan asked.

"Out!" Emma yelled before dragging Abigail out and slamming the door shut.

Ethan stood there awkwardly for a moment before running over towards the door to grab his coat.

"Wait for me guys!" He yelled before running out the door.

"You guys were pretty hard on her." Ryan said to Peyton. "I mean, what if you hurt her feelings?"

"Why do you care?" Ava asked.

"Yeah, I mean, the only girls feelings you should care about are mine baby." Peyton added.

"It just seemed pretty messed up, that's all." Ryan muttered under his breath.

"What? Did you guys become BFF'S in that closet or something?" Peyton yelled.

"No!" Ryan quickly answered. "I just can see when someone being treated badly."

"Whatever." Peyton said rolling her eyes.

"All we did was tell her the truth. She needed a wake up call. I mean what junior has as little experience as her?" Ava asked.

"People grow at their own pace." Ryan said.

"Yeah, sure." Ava scoffed.

"Whatever.' Ryan said. "I think I'll just go to bed. It's been a long day."

"The party isn't even close to being over!" Peyton yelled, squeezing Ryan.

"It is for me." He said, releasing Peyton's grip and walking towards the stairs.

"Ugh whatever." She scoffed. "More fun for us!" And then she ran over to the rest of the group.

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