Chapter Ten

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"Ugh!" Emma grunted as she was speeding down the road. "I hate people who just belittle others like that!'

"Em, it's fine." Abigail reassured her. "They were kind of right."

"So what?" Emma spat. "That doesn't give them the right to talk to you like that. How aren't you as mad as I am?"

"I don't know." Abigail sighed. "I guess I just don't want to let them get to me."

"You have to stand up to them! They can't go around thinking they can push you around!" Emma yelled, shifting the wheel of the car and swerving out of line.

"Oh my god Emma, slow down!" Ethan yelled from the back seat.

"Seriously Em." Abigail added. "You're scaring me. Where are we going anyway?"

"While we were out today I saw this really cute park. I thought we could go tomorrow, but then I just had to get out of that house before I snapped Peyton's neck like a twig. So, I decided we could just go now." She said pulling into the driveway of a very small park. "Here we are."

"Wow," Abigail said as she stepped out of the car. "This is great Em. Thanks, I needed this."

"No problem." Emma said, giving Abigail a hug.

"I guess it's cute but...." Ethan began.

"But what?" Emma asked.

"It's barely even a park." He said as he walked around, examining the park.

He wasn't wrong. It was barely a park. All it had was two rusty, old swings and a tiny slide that used to be yellow, but had faded to a light grey. Ethan stroked one of the swings and then wiped his hand on his jeans, for some rust had rubbed off on him. He then made a disgusted look over towards Emma. She noticed his stare.

"Look," She began. "I didn't bring you guys here to play jumprope. Look past the old swings and abandoned slide."

She pointed over the messed up equipment and motioned toward a large meadow. It was dark, but they could still see all the daisies and sunflowers that were covering the grass.

"Oh my god!" Abigail cheered, running into the meadow and laying down in the flowers.

"This is so cool." Ethan said following her lead.

"Never doubt me." Emma said, going after them.

They all just laid there for a while, staring up at the stars. They relaxed there in silence, just enjoying each others company. It was the perfect stress releaser from a hectic night. This continued for a while until Abigail said,

"I feel really lucky to have you guys as my friends."

"Same." Emma said, clutching Abigail's hand.

"You guys are alright." Ethan said jokingly.

"Oh shut up!" Abigail said, playfully hitting him. "No but seriously, I love you guys."

"Don't turn all mushy on us Abby." Emma said, turning over onto her side and shifting her gaze from the sky to Abigail.

"No, it's just that..." Abigail began.

"What?" Ethan asked concerned.

"What Peyton and Ava said to me really hurt. And what's worse is that it was true."

"No it wasn't!" Emma said, growing aggravated.

"No but it was." Abigail protested. "But that's not the point I'm trying to make. What I'm trying to say is, when you saw me hurt, you were there for me."

"We're always going to be there for you." Ethan said.

"Someone once told me that, and the next thing I know, he acted like I didn't exist." Abigail sadly said.

"Ryan?" Emma asked.

Abigail shut her eyes and went silent for a moment.

"Yeah." She soon replied.

"You don't have to worry about that happening again." Ethan said, grabbing Abigail's other hand. "I promise." Abigail turned towards Ethan and gave him a thankful smile.

"Should we be heading back soon?" Emma asked.

"Let's just stay here for a while." Abigail pleaded.

"Sure." Emma assured her.

"Of course." Ethan added.

And they did. They laid there in silence for the rest of the night.

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