Chapter One

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Abigail and Ryan met on the first day of kindergarten. They grew up together. They hung out everyday. They were inseparable. Once they moved next door to each other in second grade they just became even closer. They told each other everything. They trusted each other. They supported each other. Especially when Ryan's mother passed away when he was in fifth grade. She had been sick for months but they had no idea it was so serious. Shortly after his mother passed, Ryan's father started to drink. His drinking progressed and he became an alcoholic. Every time he would get drunk he would go after Ryan and beat him. This went on for months before he could tell anyone about it. He finally opened up to Abigail. She told her family and they got Ryan's father some help. Ryan stayed with Abigail for a year while his father was in rehab. Once his father got back him and Ryan started to reconnect. This meant spending less time with Abigail and spending more time with his father, catching up and fixing their family. Soon, Abigail and Ryan started to grow apart. Before they knew it, high school came and they both had completely different life styles. Ryan was now the most popular guy in the junior class. He had a popular best friend named Liam. People kind of thought of Liam as Ryan's side-kick. Ryan also had the most popular girl in school as his girlfriend. Her name was Peyton and her an her best friend Ava ran the entire school. Everything seemed to be going great for Ryan and the exact opposite was happening for Abigail. Abigail and her best friends Ethan and Emma were at the very bottom of the high school food chain. They only had each other. People barely even noticed them in the hallway but to them that didn't matter. They were perfectly happy the way they were. They didn't care about being popular or invited to parties. They loved being with each other and to them that was all that mattered. Now spring break is coming up and everyone has big plans.

"Guys!" Ethan yelled as he ran up to Abigail and Emma in the hallway. "I have got the best idea for spring break!"

Emma looked at Abigail and said, "Ethan, whenever you say you have an awesome idea, it's usually just some boring comic book convention."

"Seriously." Abigail added. "We are so done dressing up like characters we've never even heard of before. Emma and I have already come to peace with just staying at home and having a Netflix horror movie marathon."

"Okay, first of all, those conventions are not lame." Ethan began. "And second, I am not going to let my main girls stay at home all week pigging out and watching low budget movies."

"Then what do you suggest?" Abigail asked.

"I don't know." Ethan started. "How about a trip to Paris?!"

Abigail and Emma just stared at him blankly.

"I thought you guys would be a lot more excited." He said disappointed.

"Look Ethan," Abigail said. "It's great to dream about that kinda stuff, but were not going to get out hopes up in something we know can't happen."

"But it can!" Ethan squealed. "I was begging my mom for a big trip this spring break suggested Paris. Then she laughed in my face....but then I pulled the 'I've gotten straight A's ever since pre-school' card she finally caved! I kept her and my dad up all night looking for houses to rent until we found the perfect one."

"That's great!" Emma cheered.

"Yup." Ethan bragged. "The house is huge too! That means I can invite all the hot Paris chicks I meet to stay over!"

"Sureee." Abigail said sarcastically. "Come on. We can plan the trip during next period." As they walked down the hall to their next class, they passed Ryan, Peyton, Liam, and Ava.

"Hey Abby, didn't you and Ryan used to be really close or something?" Ethan asked. Abigail looked over to Ryan and he stared back. They both quickly looked in the other direction.

"Yeah." Abigail sighed. "Or something."

"So babe," Peyton began to Ryan. "Great news. My mom rented us a house in Paris for spring break! Isn't that just totes fab?"

"Totes fab?" Ryan questioned.

"Totally fabulous!" Peyton scoffed. "Ugh, you're lucky you're hot."

"That's so great!" Ava said.

"Yeah!" Liam added. "I can't wait to meet all those Paris hotties!"

"Oh, you're such a pig." Ava said.

"Just admit you're in love with me and then we can make out."

"You wish!"

"Guys!" Ryan interrupted. "So, tell us about the house Peyton."

"Well," she started. "It's huge. There's some extra space, but we won't even notice that with all the partied we'll be throwing."

"Parties?" Ryan questioned.

"Of course." Peyton stated.

"You didn't expect us to just sit around did you?" As asked.

"I just thought it could be a relaxing vacation. I mean Paris is a really romantic setting."

"Dude," Liam started. "Don't be such a wuss."

"Hey!" Ryan rebutted. "It doesn't make me a wuss to want to spend time with my girl."

"That's sweet babe." Peyton began. "But, I'd rather party. We're with each other every day. I mean, come on. It's spring break! That's not time to relax, that's time to go crazy! I've got to get to class. I'll text ya!" She kissed Ryan and skipped away with Ava.

"I guess." Ryan sighed.

"Don't worry about it man." Liam said. "You'll have plenty of time to be with that hottie."

"Yeah, sure." Ryan said. Then him and Liam walked off to class.

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