Chapter Fourteen

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Abigail was on her way to go talk to Ryan when she stopped in her tracks. 

Oh god. Abigail thought to herself. What am I doing? Why does it even matter what Ryan thinks. I don't even like him. I hate him! He left me. He forgot about me! Why would I want anything to do with him or even care what he thinks of me! If i want to kiss Ethan or anyone else I can! But i didn't want to kiss Ethan. I didn't want to kiss anyone. That's not what I came here for. Oh god why is everything so complicated! I hate this! I hate this week! I hate this vacation! I hate everything! Wait, no I don't. I only hate one thing. The only thing that has made this week a living hell for me and that's Ryan! He's ruined this vacation for me ! It was supposed to be fun. It was supposed to be great and amazing. I mean I'm in Paris for the love of god! Oh I'm so sick of Ryan ruining things for me! Oh I'm going to kill that guy!

Just then Ryan walked out of his room and turned to see Abigail pacing in the hallway.

"Oh hey Abby. I was just about to go outside and get some fresh air."

Then Abby started sprinting over to him. He face was red with rage.

"Uhhh Abby? What are you-" Then Abby jumped on Ryan and they both crashed to the ground.

"Abby what is going on?" Ryan screamed. That didn't stop Abigail. She started slapping Ryan and screaming at him.

"I hate you Ryan! I hate you!" She yelled. "You ruin everything for me and you always have!"

"Abigail stop! What is the matter with you!"

"Stop calling me Abigail! I hate it! I hate it! Just leave me alone and never speak to me again!"

"Abby please stop!"

Abigail finally got up and off of Ryan. He stumbled up and tried to catch his balance.

"Abby." He began.

"Just don't Ryan." She interrupted. "Just who do you think you are just waltzing into my room like that?"

"Yeah i could tell you were pretty busy." He moaned.

"Hey! That is none of your business."

"I'm sorry. I just didn't know you and Ethan were that close."

"Were not." Abigail said as she sat down in the middle of the hallway. Ryan sat down next to her.

"Then why were you kissing?" He asked. 

"He kissed me. Ryan I don't like him. I don't even know why I'm telling you this."

"I do." Ryan said as he grabbed Abigail's hand. "You like me."

Abigail quickly pulled her hand away from him and stood up. "Are you seriously that full of yourself that you just assumed that I like you?"

"You don't?"

"No! God Ryan what is wrong with you?"

"Abby I'm sorry. I just thought-"

"I know what you thought!" Abigail interrupted. "Why would you even think that?"

"I don't know Abby. Liam got in my head and-"

"Liam? Of course! God I cant believe you Ryan!"

"Abby I'm sorry. I guess i just wanted you to like me."

"Why? So you could ignore me again? So you could treat me like garbage again and turn me down!? Well I'm sorry Ryan that's not going to happen! I am so sick of you and sick of this vacation! Why does this stuff always happen to me? I cant handle this anymore I just cant-"

Then Ryan stopped her with a kiss. Not just any kiss. The kind of kiss you see in the movies. The kind with that spark you think just doesn't happen. It was slow and romantic. When Ryan finally stopped. he just stared at her, waiting for her reaction. She just looked blankly at him. Finally she spoke.

"People have to stop interrupting me like that."

Ryan just looked at her. Then her started laughing. He couldn't contain himself. He had to grab his stomach because it started to hurt from all his laughing. Then he started to tear up.

"Why are you laughing at me?" She sighed. Ryan just kept laughing. "Was I bad? I was bad wasnt I? Oh god. I'm a beginer at this you know. People just keep catching me of guard. They dont even give me time to get ready. If I had a chance to prepare I just might have done better!" She then grabbed Ryan by the collar of his shirt and passionately kissed him. She pulled away and looked at him for approval. "Was that better?"

Ryan just stared at her. 

"Ryan!" Abigail pleaded. "Say something. Give it to me straight! If i was bad just tell me. But let me down easy okay?"

Then Ryan grabbed her, pulled her in close and kissed her again! When he pulled away he finally said something.

"You're perfect Abby. You're just.....perfect."

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