Chapter Eleven

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The next day, Abigail woke up around twelve. Ethan walked by, noticing her waking up.

"Oh thank god you're up!" He said rushing into her room.

"What are you talking about?" She said, half asleep.

"Well I woke up around nine, like a normal person instead of sleeping until noon..."

Abigail just rolled her eyes.

"...and had absolutely no one to talk to for hours!"

"What about Emma?" Abigail yawned.

"You, Ryan and I are the only ones here."

"Where is everyone?"

"Emma left her phone at the park last night, Peyton and Ava went shopping again, and Liam hit it off with that Michella girl so he went out to go meet her."

"So it's just us three?"


"Great." Abigail said sarcastically.

"What? You're up so now we can just hang out"

"But that just means less people to hide behind when I see Ryan."

"Why don't you just talk to him?"

"I did, yesterday during that game. That didn't turn out so well now did it?"

"Wait, all you guys did was talk?"

"Yeah, what did you think happened?"

"Well people know.... Do stuff."

"Well we didn't do any 'stuff'."

"Good because.." Ethan grabbed her hand.

Abigail released her hand and said,

"I would never do any 'stuff' with him. There is just too much history there, and most of it is really bad history."


"I mean don't get me wrong. We had good times, sure. But at some point, it all went down hill."


"I'm not going to bore you with the while sap story, especially since I've basically already told you everything that happened."


"It would just be too weird ya know? I mean come on! Imagine-"

Ethan stopped Abigail from talking. He didn't grab her by the shoulders or shake her silly. He did something a lot more unexpected. He kissed her. And he didn't stop. He just kept going. Once it finally ended, Ethan could see the shock in her eyes.

"I had to tell you something." Ethan said as if nothing had just happened.

"Maybe I should come back later." Ryan said, standing in the doorway. Then he rushed away.

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