Part 5-2019

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Hello again, it feels like so much time passed from when I last wrote anything. My life is starting to get better and better. This year was the big step to my adult life so I think you should know what happened.

I’m 18 right now, yay I’m finally an adult and I should be able to take care of myself. At least I don’t have to do it alone... Sam and I have been dating for a year now and we have decided to marry this July, on my birthday. Of course, we first need to finish art school and get a degree which will let us sell our artwork. We have started slowly raising money for a home because mom said she will help us only if we don’t have another solution,  she said something about preparing us for the real world. Sam started working in Cloudsale for a weather company and I decided to help Maurice, the sculptor, with his tools and around his shop so I could get used to selling and talking to people on a daily basis. We’ve started in Summer and we have already raised around 600 polls.  The good news is we only need 1500 polls for the materials and we’ll build it ourselves.

White Shadow is thinking about leaving Ponyville when she finishes PVAS because she got a job offer at an art workshop in Manehattan and the artist offered to provide her with a home, food and 90 polls a month for art supplies for a year. She told me that after a year she will come back and with the money she raised by then she will open a private school where she will teach fillies art but in a more interesting way. I really hope she will achieve her dreams and I will always be right beside her when she needs me.

My family,  well Purple is thinking about having a child but Shaun is not very enthusiastic about the idea of a little monster running all the day around the house. They have decided to wait a little more. I’m still living with them in their little cabin and Purple let me have my little own corner in the attic and I’m so proud of it, I already have two big folders with a ton of sketches, paintings and even some spray art. Mom is still at home and after she left Canterlot she started going to the shop and helping with the suit making, sewing and other stuff like that. I feel like I should be telling you more but I don’t really know anything else interesting that happened this year.

Future Blue, even if you might want to leave Sam, White or anyone else alone remember that people have bad days and keep in mind why you love them.

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