Family Hunting Trip

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As they road in the car, Dean and Piper started explaining the case. Piper had all the information in a little file she had made in the back seat. After Sam had left for college, Piper became the head researcher and a damn fine one too. She had turned the back seat into her base of operations with tons of papers and books on everything supernatural, but it wasn't messy or disorganized. She kept boxes under the seats and on the floor and that's where she put files of important information on cases and good realistic books on all things creepy and in her free time (usually on the road) she would memorize the books and practice symbols of all kinds. Needless to say, Sam was impressed. She hadn't been kidding when she said that she wold fill in for him while he was away.
"So when dad left, why didn't you go with him?" Asked Sam. Piper decided to just let them talk while she fingered through her files and searched her books for anything useful. Dean answered, "We were working our own gig, a voodoo thing down in New Orleans." Sam's eyebrows shot up. They never got to do there own cases. " Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourselves?"He asked. Dean looked at him like he was an idiot, "I'm twenty-six, dude." "And he let you take Piper with you?" Dean sighed, "There was no way, I was going to leave Piper behind, so I convinced dad that I would need a partner, someone who was better with research and spells and all the other smart stuff. Besides, Piper is a lot better now. She IS a ninja after all." He grinned at that last part, causing his siblings to roll their eyes in unison.
Finally, Piper found what she was looking for and handed it to Dean who promptly pulled into a vacant parking lot. They would've done this at the house, but they didn't want Jess to overhear their conversation. "So, dad was checking out this two-lane blacktop just outside Jericho, California. About a month ago this guy," Dean passed Sam a piece of paper, " vanished; completely MIA." Sam glanced at the paper in his hand before looking at his brother, doubt in his eyes. "So maybe he was kidnapped." Piper shook her head, "He isn't the only one, Sam. Ten people have gone missing over the last twenty years; all of them male and all of them were on the same stretch of road." Dean took over from there, " It started happening more and more, so dad went to dig around, that was about three weeks ago. I haven't heard from him since, which is bad enough. Then I get this voicemail yesterday."
Dean took out his phone and played it for them. There was a lot of noise and static , so it wasn't very clear, it basically said that he was in trouble and for Dean and Piper to look after one another. Sam pointed out that the background noise was actually EVP. Dean and Piper both nodded in approval. "Not bad Sam,"Dean praised, "Kind of like riding a bike isn't it?" Once again the younger siblings both just rolled their eyes and Piper continued. "So, we slowed it down and took a way all the hissing and stuff and this is what we got." She nodded at Dean to play the recording and the raspy, bone-chilling voice of a women spoke: 'I can never go home.'
Piper and Dean looked at Sam as he repeated the message. Finally Sam nodded, "Okay, but I have to be back first thing Monday." Dean and Piper looked at each other, confusion clear in their eyes. "What's on Monday?" Both of them asked. "I've got an interview." "A job interview? Skip it." Dean said simply. Sam looked at Dean slightly annoyed and said "It's a law school interview and it's my whole future on a plate."
Piper smiled proudly. Sam had always wanted to go to law school. She remembered him always telling her stories about the life he wanted with a house, his dream job as lawyer, and the girl of his dreams by his side. Soon he would have everything he desired, well except for her to live with him and go to school and have a normal life. "That's great Sammy!" He returned her smile, but it dropped when Dean spoke, "Law school?" Sam ignored the slightly disappointed tone he used. "Is it a deal or not?" Dean sighed and agreed to his terms. Sam passed Piper the papers that Dean had given him and she straightened the pile before sliding back them into their proper folder and plopping it into the box beside her. They all decided that they would sleep in the car til sunrise, it was a lot earlier than they had thought.
In the morning, they stopped at a gas station to get some gas and a small snack since they had breakfast a few hours ago. Dean handed Piper her unusual combination of beef jerky and tea, she smiled up at him and thanked him before taking a small sip of tea. He asked Sam if he wanted something, but he declined. " How'd you pay for that stuff? You and dad still running credit card scams?" Piper sighed"Sam, don't say that so loud, people will hear you and how else do you suppose we get the money? Hunting isn't a paying job and we're saving lives, the least they can do is pay for our breakfast." Sam shook his head at Piper's crazy logic. He loved his sister, but she could be weird at times. Dean smirked "Besides, all we do is apply, it's not our fault they send us the cards." "What name did you use this time?" Dean stopped to think for a moment before saying, "Burt Aframian and his son, Hector. Got 2 cards out of it." Sam nodded, "Sounds about right. I swear man, you need to update your cassette tape collection." Dean look at him in confusion. What could possibly be wrong with his music? "Why?" Sam picked up one. "Well, for one, their cassette tapes." Piper tried her best to hold back a laugh, but failed horribly and Dean turned around to give her a playful glare. "And two, Black Sabbath, Motor head, Metallica. It's the greatest hits of mullet rock."
Okay, Piper drew the line there. She agreed that the cassette tapes were old, but Dean's music had become her music. Since her dad and Dean had the same taste in music, she had grown up around that music and she grew to love it. "Hey, don't diss the tunes Sammy. It's good music!" Sammy looked at Piper in disbelief before looking back at Dean. "House rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music-" he paused and pointed to Piper and she finished his sentence with a smile, "shotgun shuts his cake hole." She and Dean high-fived as Sam gave them exasperated looks, "Seriously dude, how much of her did you corrupt while I was a way?" Dean flashed him his signature smirk, "I think an easier question would be 'How much of her did I not corrupt?"
Sam groaned. He should have taken her with him, instead of trusting her with Dean. She wouldn't have been happy if he took her by force, but she would have been safe with him and she would be away from bad influences such as Dean. Don't get him wrong, he loves his brother, but he just didn't think Dean was good for Piper. Sam sighed, "You know Sammy is a chubby twelve year old, it's Sam." Dean ignored him, while Piper made a mental to try to start calling him Sam, but she doubted that she would remember. Dean started the car and they headed out.
Sam made a few calls and confirmed that there was no one in the hospital or morgue with John's description which caused a glimmer of hope to shine in Piper. Dean pointed ahead at a crime scene, "Check it out." He looked through all of the fake IDs and picked out two, one for him and one for Piper, and tossed his sister one. They all started getting out of the car and Sam looked at Piper, confused. "Piper, you're not old enough to be a fed." She smirked, "I'm not going to be a fed I usually play an 18 year old intern or some sort of junior reporter. I even pretend to be a friend of some victims." She held up a fake ID with her picture on it and picked up a note pad and pen so she could write down important information and make it seem more believable. Sam shook his head. She should be worrying about boys and shopping, not tricking cops, hunting monsters, and looking at dead bodies. He sighed, if this all happened like he planned he would get his little sister the normal, monster-free life she deserved. He wasn't sure how he would do it, but he had to for her sake.
Dean glanced at his brother who seemed to be lost in thought after hearing Piper tell him how deep she was in the hunting business. He knew what Sam was planning and there was no way he was going to let it work out that way. Sam thinks that Piper would be safer if she let her guard down and discarded all her weapons and training. No. She would be safer with him, Sam, and their dad there to protect her. Tying her down to own place would also make it easier for monsters to find her. Besides, Piper seemed to enjoy hunting and saving lives just as much as he did.
Piper waved her hand in front of both her brothers' faces. They had spaced out all of the sudden and it was freaking her out. Once both boys had come back to Earth they walked to the crime scene to find out what happened.
They walked up to the person who seemed to be in charge of the operation, a black man wearing a police uniform. Piper started writing down information she overheard from the conversations the other cops were having, mostly about how there were no finger prints or signs of a struggle and the victim's name along with the name of the person he had been dating. Dean decided to enter the conversation, "You fellas had a case like this one last month, didn't you?" he asked.
The officer looked at Dean. "Who are you?" Dean held up his ID. "Me and him are Federal Marshall's and this our assistant." He looked at the brothers in confusion. " Aren't you 2 a little a young to be marshals?" Asked the officer. Dean smiled, "That's awfully kind of you." Piper took this as her cue to introduce herself. She knew that the best way to get a cop on your side was to be as polite, kind, and mature as possible, so she gave him a warm smile and gently shook his hand, "Nice to meet you sir, I'm Emma." She made sure to use her fake name, just in case he asked for her ID. He gave her a polite smile back, before returning his attention back to Dean. Dean repeated the question and the officer nodded and confirmed what they already new.
Sam stepped up, "So, the victim," he said," you knew him?" Once again, the man nodded, "In a town like this, everybody knows everybody." Dean walked around the car the victim died in. "Any connections between the victims, besides that they're all men?" He asked. The officer shook his head, "No, none that we could tell." "So what's the theory?", Sam asked. The man shook his head, "Honestly," he said, "no clue. " Dean shook his head. "Well, that's exactly the kind of crap police work I'd expect out of you guys." Sam stomped on his foot and thanked the man for his time, while glaring at his older brother.
As the trio walked away, Smacked Sam on the back of the head, "Ow! What was that for?" Dean glared at Sam. "Why'd you stomp on my foot?", he challenged. "Why do have to talk to the police like that?" As the brothers argued, Piper noticed a cop and two FBI agents coming towards them. She flashed them a small, but warm smile, "Hello officer, agents. " she said, signaling the brothers to stop their conversation before they made fools of themselves. Dean nodded at the agents, "Agent Moulder, Agent Scully." They went into town to find Amy, the victim's girlfriend to see what she could tell them. At last, they found her putting up flyers for her lost boyfriend. Piper walked up to Amy and gave a sympathetic smile. "You must be Amy." She said in a gentle voice, "I'm Piper, Troy's cousin, and these are his uncles, Sam and Dean." Amy walked away to put another flyer up, "He never mentioned you to me." Piper tried to look as sad as possible. "Yeah, we were best friends when we were kids, but we haven't seen much of each other since then." She looked down as if she was about to cry. Dean put his hand on Piper shoulder and smirked at Sam, who looked surprised at her good acting. Amy nodded sympathetically. "Anyways, we were looking for him and we wanted to ask a few questions." Piper said. Amy nodded and Piper smiled wiping away fake tears.
They all decided to do the questioning in a diner and not only did they find out that Amy was the last person to talk to Troy, they also found out about a local legend of a woman who was murdered on the centennial highway. So, they found a computer and tried to find any record of a murder on the Centennial Highway, but so far Dean hadn't found anything. Finally, Piper got annoyed and decide that Sam should have a crack at it. "Dean, let Sam try." Dean nodded and let Sam sit in front of the computer. Finally, Sam figured it out, "Maybe it wasn't a murder." Said Sam, "maybe it was suicide." And finally, they got a result. "1981, Constance Welch, 24 years old, jumps off bridge and drowns in river." Sam reads. "Does it say why?" Asks Dean. Sam nods. "Her kids drowned in the bath tub." Says Piper. " 'Our babies were gone and Constance just couldn't bear it.' " Read Sam. "Does that bridge look familiar to you?" Asked Dean.
At nighttime, they decided to go and check out the bridge. They looked over the railing. "So this is where Constance took a swan-dive." Jokes Dean. Piper smiled, this was one of the many reasons she loved Dean, he could make her laugh and smile in some of the most intense situations. Sam looked at him, "So you think dad may have been here." Dean tilted his head in thought, "Well he's chasing the same story and we're chasing him." Dean started walking away from the railing and Sam turned toward him, "So, now what?" "We keep digging 'til we find him. It might take a while." Piper shook her head, "Dean, he doesn't have 'a while', he has until-" "Monday, " Dean cut her off, "right. The interview. I forgot. You're really serious about this, aren't you? You're going to become a lawyer, marry your girl." Sam sighed, he knew Dean wouldn't just let him go back to his normal life. "Maybe, why not?" He shrugged. "Does Jessica know about the things you've done?" Sam shook his head, "No and she's not going to." Dean scoffed, " That's healthy. You can pretend all you want Sammy, but sooner or later you're going to have to face up to what you really are." Sam turned toward Dean, "And what's that?" Dean put his hand on Piper's shoulder, "One of us."
Dean started walk away, but Sam wasn't finished. "No! I'm not like you." Piper frowned slightly hurt. Dean glanced at her before glaring at Sam, "You know, by choosing not to be apart of the hunting life, you're choosing not to be apart of Piper's life." Piper frowned. Where had that come from? Sam nodded, "Yeah, I Know. That's why I want to take Piper with me, where she will be happy and healthy." Dean shook his head. "She's better off with me." He said. Sam stepped closer to him and glared, "You mean she'd be better off always being on the road, eating gas station junk food instead of actual meals, risking her life, and learning how to steal, con, and lie without being caught by the police?" Dean decided not to answer that question, knowing that he probably wouldn't win that argument, " Well, maybe you could help me be more responsible with her if you came along and helped protect her!" Piper couldn't take anymore, "Hey! When did I become a defenseless little girl? Dean, you know what I can do! And Sam, my life may not be picture perfect but I would rather spend my entire life killing hundreds of monsters than spend my life letting hundreds of lives get destroyed because of those monsters! I'm happy just the way I am and though I would love to have you in my life more often, I would never ask you to give up your dream just so I don't have to miss you. Make whatever decision you want to but I made my decision years ago when you left for college and I'm sticking with it."
The brothers stared at her, shocked. They hadn't even thought to ask her thoughts on the subject. Sam hadn't even considered the fact that she might have said no to him four years ago for specific, noble, and well thought out reasons. She was like, 10 or 11 back then. He had thought that she was just afraid of standing up to their dad and Dean. Sam hadn't considered the fact that even though they had similarities, they may not have exactly the same dreams. And Dean had been so busy worrying about protecting her that he hadn't even noticed how capable she was of handling herself. He did indeed know how brilliant and strong and skilled she was. He fully trusted her to have his back in any monster fight. Maybe his mind just needed a good explanation to why he wanted Sam back so badly besides the fact that he missed his baby brother and thought that this was the perfect way to get both Sam and his dad back. He didn't think that Piper had actually wanted Sam to live his dream. He had assumed that her missing Sam meant that she wanted him to drop everything and be with them again.
They weren't really sure what to say next so they decided that they should continue fighting about whether or not he should go with them or stay with Jessica, but they made sure to leave Piper out of this fight, because she already made her decision fairly clear. So they started a heated discussion about their dad and "his crusade" until Sam mentioned their (Sam and Dean's) mom which they all knew was a very sensitive subject for Dean. Mary was very special to Dean and she was part of the reason Piper and Dean were so close. They had both lost their mother at about the same age. They both were old enough to still remember not only their mothers, but also their mothers' deaths. Piper wanted to scream at Sam for bringing Mary up, knowing how she would feel if it she was in Dean's place. Dean didn't shout and he didn't look angry, even when he grabbed Sam by his shirt and pinned him to the side of the bridge, he just looked sad and empty, which triggered Piper's 'comforting mode' and she rubbed his back until he calmed down . None of them noticed a pale girl standing on the side of the bridge in a white dress, ready to jump.
Dean turned and saw the ghostly girl and quickly informed his siblings of her presence. Constance glanced at them, a vacant look in her eye, before jumping into the river below them. Sam, Dean, and Piper quickly ran over to the spot Constance had previously stood in. "Where'd she go?" Asked Dean. Piper looked around her cautiously, "No idea." she says. Suddenly, the Impala roared to life, which caused confusion to jolt through Sam and Dean. "What the-" Sam cut Dean off, "Who's driving your car?" Piper rolled her eyes at her brothers, "Constance, obviously." Honestly? Her brothers could be a bit slow. The car sped towards them and they began to run away from it, but it became increasingly clearer that none of the Winchesters could out run a car going that fast, so they opted for jumping off the bridge. Sam and Piper latched onto the railing of the bridge, while Dean fell down to the water below.

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