Drowning in Secrets

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A/N: I'm sorry I got held up my Internet issues. There was an ice storm and an earthquake and it caused a lot of limbs to fall and the power was out for a long while. I hope you like the drama I added in this episode! PLEASE PLEASE tell me if you like it!!!
Also, I GOT A NEW COVER! Tell me what you think!

--The Motel Room--
Piper and Dean sat in the motel room, having an argument. "I'm telling you, Piper, M&Ms are way better than Sour Skittles! They have chocolate in them!" She waved her hand dismissively, "Too over done. It's a fruity delicious rainbow in the palm of your hand, Dean! And their sour! How could possibly you beat that?!" Dean threw his hands up, "WITH AN M&M!" She crossed her arms, "Nope, sorry. Not possible." Dean opened his mouth to speak when Sam walked into the motel room, "So, I think it's safe to officially rule out Nessie." "I told you so!" said Piper in a sing-song voice. Dean ignored her, "What do you mean?"
Sam sat next to Piper, "I just drove by the Carlton's house. There was an ambulance there. Will Carlton is dead." Dean raised an eyebrow, "He drowned?" "Yeah. In the sink." Piper looked Dean, "I did not see that coming." Dean nodded, "Yeah, what the hell?! So if this isn't a creature, then we're dealing with something else." Sam furrowed his brow, "But what?" Dean shrugged, "Something that can control water, water that comes from the same source." He thought about it for a moment before turning to Piper, "Any idea's?" She tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows in deep thought. She shrugged, "It could be a water wraith or a ghost or some variation of demon. It could be anything really. I actually wish it was a sea monster, that would be such an epic fight, don't you think?
Dean nodded and grinned at the thought, "So it has to be connected to the lake somehow or it's water anyway.." Sam agreed, "That would explain why it's upping it's body count. The lake is draining. It'll be dry in a few months. Whatever this thing is, whatever it wants, it's running out of time." Dean got up and sat in a chair, "And if it can get through the pipes, it can get anyone, almost anywhere." Piper nodded, "And there is only one lead we have. One thing we know for sure..." Sam finished, "Bill Carlton has something to do with it." Dean nodded, "It took both of his kids." "I did some research. Lucas' dad- he's Bill Carlton's godson." Piper got up and rubbed her hands together, "Boys, I think it's time to pay our buddy Bill a visit." The trio headed out the door.

-The Dock/ Lake-
Bill Carlton sat on the dock, looking depressed and, really, who could blame him. Sam spoke up, "Mr. Carlton." Dean continued, "We're with the Department-" Bill interrupted, "I don't care who you're with. I've answered enough questions today." He still faced away from them, overlooking the lake. He wanted to forget what he saw and all that's happened and go back to fishing on the lake without a care in the world, he knew that would never happen. He was surprised at Piper's voice, "I wish I could forget sometimes too." He spun around, "How did you-" she ignored him, because she honestly didn't know how she knew. She just kept talking, "But they wouldn't want to be forgotten and forgetting just makes you vulnerable to making the same mistakes."
Sam didn't know what she was doing, but he did see that she was getting through to the man, so he continued, "Your son said he saw something out on that lake. What about you? You ever see anything out there? Mr. Carlton, Sophie's drowning and Will's death- we think there might be a connection to you and your family." Mr. Carlton, who's eyes had been on Piper the entire time Sam spoke, looked at him, "My children are gone. It's..it's worse than dying. Go away. Please." On the last word, his eyes switched to Piper's. She searched his tearful, broken, blue eyes for a moment and what she found nearly brought tears to her eyes. With her eyes still on the man she spoke, sounding detached and sad, "Let's go, guys."
Sam looked at her in confusion. Why would she give up easily? He touched her shoulder, "Are you sur-" She spun around, "I said we're leaving." There was a hint of finality and danger in her voice and her message was clear: 'Drop it or else.' Dean coughed awkwardly and said 'Goodbye' to Mr. Carlton and they headed for the car, neither brother daring to ask why she had done what she had done, yet.
"What do you think?" Sam asked Dean as they approached the Impala. "Aw, I think the poor guy's been through hell." Piper nodded as she sat on the hood of the car, "Yeah, and he's hiding something, too." Sam leaned against the car next to his sister, "So now what?" Dean freezes when he see's the Carlton house and reaches into his pocket, pulling out the drawing Lucas had handed him, "Huh." Dean sighed, "Maybe Bill's not the only one who knows something."
They get into the car and Piper pulled her knees to her and set her head against the car window. Sam glanced back at her, "Piper, why did you act the way you did?" She sighed, "Sam, he was in so much pain. You didn't see his eyes like I did, not for long anyways. I looked in them and I swear it was like I could feel his suffering. I could tell he was hiding something, but he just doesn't need to be interrogated in his fragile state. I don't think he's just feeling the loss of his family. I think he feels responsible for not being able to stop their deaths." He nodded. Dean glanced at his brother's expression, before turning into the driveway of Andrea and Lucas.

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