Bloody Revenge

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AN: Sorry for the long wait.

This chapter actually really made me attached to Charlie (not the epic redheaded nerd extraordinaire, the one in this episode). I'm actually going to miss her when this episode is over :(
I put a picture of her on this chapter so you'd know what she looks like.

Piper and Dean knew that Sam would be a little upset about letting him fall asleep, but honestly? Neither of them gave a rat's ass at this point. Avoiding sleep was not healthy. So Piper sat on one of the motel beds while Dean sat in a chair, both researching. Both siblings tried their best not wake him. After all, they had no idea when they'd be able to get him to sleep again.

It didn't take long before Sam opened his eyes, breathing hard. His sister cast a worried glance in his direction, "Sam? You okay, bro?"

"Why'd you let me sleep?" he asked. Dean was worried too but he kept his expression casual, "Cause We're awesome siblings. So what did you dream about?" Piper tried not role her eyes at Dean's attempt of trying to get Sam to talk about his feelings in a 'manly' matter. At least he was trying.

Sam, however, didn't seem to appreciate his efforts.

"Lollipops and candy canes," stated the middle child with a dry sarcastic tone as he sat up.

Piper sighed, "Sam, you can talk to us. We're family." The former college boy paused for a long while before changing the subject, "Did you find anything?"

Piper sighed in frustration over both the hunt and her brother, "Nope. There are no records of anyone who could be our Bloody Mary. Unless you count a guy named Dave, who died from a mirror falling on him." Sam plopped back onto the bed, " Maybe we just haven't found the information we're looking for yet."

The eldest shook his head, "I've also been searching for strange deaths in the area, you know...eyeball bleeding, that sort of thing. There's nothing. Whatever's happening here, maybe it just ain't Mary." Right after he said this, Sam's cell phone rang.

Sam answered and heard someone sobbing on the other side, "Hello?" After consoling the person on the other end Sam told them they would be right there. Piper got up, looking to her brother, "Bloody Mary again?" He nodded, "Sounds like it."

Dean clapped his hands together, "Then lets get going."

-The Park-

They met a sobbing Charlie on a bench in the park. Piper had an arm around the girl, rubbing her back comfortingly as she told them what happened, "And they found her on the bathroom floor. And her-her eyes. They were gone."
"I'm sorry," Sam said, sincerely.

The teen turned to Piper , "And she said it. I heard her say it. But it couldn't be because of that. I'm insane, right?" Dean looked at Sam, "No, you're not insane."

She looked down, "Oh God, that makes me feel so much worse." Sam looked at her sympathetically, "Look. We think something's happening here. Something that can't be explained." His brother nodded, "And we're gonna stop it but we could use your help." The teen looked reluctant, "I don't know if I could..."

Piper looked her in the eye and squeezed the other girl's shoulder comfortingly, "Charlie, you are a smart girl and incredibly brave for someone in your situation. You don't have to do it by any means, but your help could really make a difference."

Charlie wiped away her tears, feeling a little more empowered by the younger girl's words, "Okay, tell me what you need me to do."

-Jill's Room-
Piper and Charlie entered Jill's room. Charlie locked the door and the huntress went to open the window to let in Sam and Dean.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2015 ⏰

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