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AN: SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT! I wasn't even sure anyone liked my story and I got busy with school, but I got a comment that said I should continue, so continue I shall! I also want to apologize in advance for how much I exaggerate with Roy in this chapter, I just REALLY don't like him and I wanted to give you guys a glimpse of Piper's skill. Enjoy and comment suggestions on anything from action scenes to love interests to cute ideas for brother sister moments! Or just tell me something you liked that you would like to see more of in future chapters. Please?

(AN: Please read the author note at the top. I'd appreciate it SO much if you did!) Haley began shouting for her brother, "Tommy? Tommy!" Sam stopped her quickly, telling her the beast might still be out there,but she didn't listen. Piper made her way over to Haley and looked her straight in the eye," Listen Haley you have to calm down." " But-" Piper stopped her protest, "I know Haley, trust me. I know. But every minute we spend panicking, is another minute Tommy is still out there. So take deep breaths and start focusing on getting him back. I have a good feeling that he's still alive and my instincts are never wrong, but you have to believe it. You have to be determined to get him back. Do you believe it?" Haley took a second to breathe and take in her words before nodding, "Yeah, I believe." Piper grinned, "Good." Dean called her and Sam over and she told Haley to stay put.
She and Sam found Dean looking at the end of some tracks, "The bodies were dragged from the campsite, but the tracks just vanish. It's weird." Piper adjusted the straps on her panda backpack, "Well, from what Mr. Shaw told us the monster thinks for itself. If it's smart enough to pick a lock, so nobody knows its there, then I'm sure it's capable of covering its tracks. But that behavior is unusual for the monsters we were thinking of." Dean nodded, "Yeah, there's no way it's a skin walker or a black dog."
They walk back over to the campsite. Haley picked up a bloody cell phone and let a single tear roll down her cheek but she seemed calmer since the talk Piper gave her. Dean crouched next to Haley, "He could still be alive you know." She looked at Piper, who was comforting Ben, with a smile on her face, "I know." Her smile disappeared when someone started shouting,"Help! Help!" Everyone dashed to where the shouting seemed to be coming from only to find that no one was there. Piper looked around for the voice, 'What the heck?' She thought. Sam met her gaze and a silent message passed between them: 'Something's not right.' Sam shouted at the group, "Everybody back to camp."
They made it back to camp only to realize...all their supplies were gone. 'Except my backpack,' thought Piper with a small smirk that vanished when she realized that her brothers were the ones to pack the guns in their bag. She had been in charge of food and water and stuff. The food wasn't going to be too much help, if they died out here wasn't gonna be from dehydration or starvation. The only weapons she had thought to put in her bag were a flare gun and her silver knife. Which weren't going to help and she doubted that Roy would put away that godawful ego of his to let her brother have the gun he kept in his hand. Her 'ninja' skills wouldn't do Jack against a ferocious beast that was twice her size either. In other words, unless the monster had an irrational fear of Sour Patch kids, they were screwed. She looked over at Dean and sighed in relief. At least he had one kept one of his guns.
"Our packs!" Exclaimed Haley. "So much for my GPS and satellite phone." Sighed Roy, who Piper was holding back the urge to strangle. "What the hell is going on?" asked Haley. Sam explained that the beast was trying to make us vulnerable. "You mean someone. Some nut-job stole our gear." They say that ignorance is bliss, but that's only true for the person who is ignorant. Roy's ignorance just made every sensible person around him want to sit him in the corner and smash a dunce cap over that thick skull of his.
It reached a point , where it didn't matter what came out of Roy's mouth. Now just Roy's voice made Piper want to smack him into next week. Dean saw her irritation rising and quickly grabbed her hand in hopes it'd calm her down. Piper was a sweet kid, but she was still a Winchester and nobody gets a Winchester PO'd unless they have a death wish. She calmed down and squeezed his hand back. Their eyes met and she nodded a silent 'thank you'. Sam walked over to Dean and Piper, "Can I talk to you two? In private?"
Once They were out of earshot Sam turned to Dean, "Let me see Dad's journal." Dean pulled the journal from his jacket and handed it to Sam. Sam flipped through the pages until he came to a page labeled, 'Wendigo,'. Causing Piper to have a huge face palm moment, "Why didn't I think of that? It makes perfect sense!" Dean was a little reluctant to believe that they were dealing with a Wendigo, "Oh come on, Wendigos are in the Minnesota woods or Northern Michigan. I've never even heard of one this far west." Piper sighed, slightly irritated as she rolled her eyes, "Dean, when have monsters ever followed the rules? We can't rule it out just because they're not common around these parts. It's the only thing that has all the attributes of a wolf or dog and a human. Tell him Sam." Sam nodded, "She's right, the claws, the way it can mimic human voices. It's the only possible option." Dean sighed, "Great," he took out his pistol," then this is useless." Sam hands Dean back the journal and Piper starts to walk away, "Now lets go get us a Wendigo." But she was tugged back by Her brothers.
"What?"she asked. Sam looked worried, "You've been stressed and angrier than usual. Especially around Roy. What's up? You usually don't let that bother you. I mean I wanted to smack him too, but you're usually patient with people like him." Piper glared, "Roy doesn't give a flying flapjack about poor Tommy. It's obvious. The only reason he's still here is because he doesn't know the way back and he wants to show off his hunting skills. And his stupid ego and stubborn personality is gonna get him killed if he won't do anything we tell him to or believe anything we say because 'we're young and inexperienced.' I just don't want anything bad to happen because of his stupidity and if I hear one more sexist or sceptic comment, I think I'm gonna scream." The brothers nodded in understanding.
Roy acted like being a woman meant Piper couldn't do anything by herself, but in their house she was just put through harder training so she is on the same page as them physically. And her smaller and more flexible build came in handy sometimes and even opened her up to fighting styles her brothers would never be able to do with their bulky, heavy body's. Neither of them had ever let anyone treated her bad anyways. Whether it was a girl at school or a biker at a bar. Dean sighed, "Don't start any fights just because he bothers you," he grinned, "that's my job." If someone wasn't treating his baby sister he saw it as his right as a big brother to have the pleasure of teaching that person a lesson in 'proper etiquette' and Sam felt the same way.
Now that Sam knew this was a Wendigo he was less keen on having he and his siblings here with no proper equipment. Normally Sam would've decided to keep on going, hoping they would be able figure it out later, but all of those nightmares about Piper dying at her young age made him realize how easily she could be taken from him. It made him more protective of her. All it would take is one mistake on anybody's part and she would be gone.He wasn't gonna let that happen.
Piper giggled in response to Dean's joke, but both of their grins fell when they remembered the situation they were in. Sam rubbed his hands together, having made a decision on what their next move was, "Alright, let's get these people to safety."
The siblings marched back over to the group with Sam in the lead. He got to the middle of the site and began to address them, "Alright, listen up, it's time to go. Things have gotten... complicated." Haley's reaction was immediate, "What?!" Both Piper and Dean were prepared to protest, but they realized Sam was right and kept quiet. Piper didn't like it one bit, but if they had too many innocents to protect and not much to protect them with, "He's right Haley, as much as I hate to say it. We don't stand much of a chance, not without better supplies." As for Ben, Piper couldn't look him in the eye. Would he hate her because of this?"
Roy scoffed, "Look princess, why don't you let the men handle this? Don't worry your pretty little head about dying. Whatever is out there, I can handle it. Now why don't you pass one of your brothers that knife of yours and let me lead us all to Haley's brother and you and you're little boyfriend over there can stay at a safe distance and look pretty, after all, I wouldn't want you to break a nail."
Sam had been right. On any other day Piper wouldn't care what some idiot had to say, but this was NOT any other day and she was about to lash out so Sam tried to diffuse the situation by trying to talk some sense into Roy, "It's not her life she's worried about." He said glaring, "If you shoot that thing your just gonna make it mad. We have to leave. Now. And you need to stop underestimating and insulting Piper, before you regret it." Roy smirked cockily, "One, you're talking nonsense. Two you're in no position to give anybody orders. And three, I doubt you, your brother, or your puny, weak, pathetic little sister could make ME regret anythin-" With every word Piper got more furious and furious until she snapped.
As Roy was finishing his little speech Piper gave Roy a swift kick in between the legs (in just the right spot), hit a pressure point in his arm to make him drop his gun and in one swift movement, she spun him around, forced his arm around his back. Then she forced him on his knees and slammed into a tree him into tree. While still holding his arm around his back, she swooped his dropped gun up from the forest floor and pointed it at his head with a triumphant grin, "I've been waiting to do that all day!" Haley looked shocked. Sam, Dean, and even Ben were trying to hold back their laughter and Piper had to hold back her own giggle as she heard Dean saying things like, "You go Pipes!" Or "That's my girl." Or "I told you she was a fricken' ninja!"
Roy was annoyed and humiliated, "Alright kid, you've had your fun, now let me up so I can get us out of here." Piper wasn't mad anymore after releasing all that Stress. She had been a little bit on edge because of their dad and Jessica. She was constantly worried about Sam and his nightmares too. Her stress had gotten worse when they met Mr. Shaw. Just the pain in his eyes from what that Wendigo did to his family was enough to make her blood boil and her heart break. Roy had been quite literally jumping on her last nerve.
Piper lifted the gun from Roy's head, let go of his arm and walked over to Dean, who was still sporting a proud grin as he wrapped one of his arms around her and pulled her into a half hug. After he pulled away from it, he lightly smacked her arm with the back of her hand, "I thought we agreed that I was in charge of beating him up." She shrugged with a small mischievous smile,"Sorry." Roy watched Piper warily. How was it possible that a puny teenage girl had gotten the jump on a strong, skilled guy like himself? He shrugged, probably just luck on her part....or steroids...yeah lots of steroids. There was no other explanation.
He still thought he should be leading not these psycho college kids, "Now lets go get that bear." All the seriousness and fear fell back onto the group. Sam threw his hands up in the air, "You don't get it do you? We're trying to get you out of here. We're trying to protect you!" Roy scoffed, "Boy, I was been hunting these woods when your mommy was still kissing you goodnight."
Piper winced, remembering how Sam hadn't even gotten to meet his mom. Sam's face was calm, but deadly serious, he got in Roy's face, "Yeah? It's a damn near perfect hunter. It's smarter than you and it's gonna hunt you down and eat you alive, unless we get your stupid ass out of here." Roy laughed in Sam's face. Maybe he was trying to be extra cocky and stupid to cover up Piper's victory from earlier. "You know your crazy right? You and that psycho sister of yours." Sam growled, "Yeah?," he almost shouted, "you ever hunt a wen-" Dean shoved Sam away from Roy before things could go too far, "Chill out."
Haley suddenly started shouting, "Stop. Stop it! Everybody just stop! Tommy might still be alive and I'm not leaving without him." The siblings all looked at each other and realized that they would refuse to leave to if one of them was in danger. After a few seconds of silence, Dean spoke, "It's getting late. This thing is a good hunter during the day, but an unbelievable hunter at night. We'll never beat it. Not in the dark. We need to settle in and protect ourselves." Haley looked at him, "How?"
*TIME SKIP* By the time it was dark the team had a fire set up. Dean and Piper were drawing symbols with sticks on the ground and Piper was quietly chanting a protection spell that Dean didn't recognize, but he assumed it was helping because even the animals and bugs seemed steer clear of their camp. After she finished she sat back down set to Ben an offered him some of the food she had left. He nodded and she passed him a pack of gold fish. He gave her a small half hearted smile.
Haley asked Dean what the symbols were. "Anasazi symbols. It's for protection. The Wendigo can't cross over them and Piper was just chanting a protection spell to make them stronger." Roy laughs. Dean glances at him over his shoulder, "Nobody likes a sceptic, Roy." Piper couldn't help but comment under her breath, "Amen to that." Ben heard her a gave her a quick little smile, but it dropped just as quickly as it came and he looked back down at the fire. Piper grabbed his hand to comfort him. He smiled and this time when he looked down, it didn't go away, not completely. She looked over at Dean and saw he was talking to Sam. She got up and walked over to them.
All she heard was: "I mean, why are we still here?" Piper spoke up, "I don't know Sam, If I was taken by a monster in the woods, wouldn't you want someone who actually knew how to kill the monster to help. How selfish would it be if we just left." Dean nodded, "Yeah that's one reason," he holds up John's journal, "but here's the reason I was thinking of. This is dads most valuable possession. Everything dad knows about the supernatural and he's passed it onto us. I think he wants us to pick up where we left off. You know, saving people, hunting things. The family business." Sam shook his head, "That makes no sense. Why doesn't he just call us? Why doesn't he tell us where he wants, where he is?" Dean shook his head, "I dunno. But the way I see it, dad has given us a job to do and I intend to do it."
Sam's eyes began to water, "Dean...no. I've gotta find dad. I've gotta find Jessica's killer. It's all I can think about." It wasn't just that though. If Sam could kill Jessica's killer, he could make sure it wouldn't go after Piper. Piper realized that they needed a moment alone and went back to the fire. Sam's eyes followed her retreating figure before focusing on his hands. Dean decided that Sam deserved the chance to get revenge on Jessica's killer,"Okay, alright, Sam, we'll find him, I promise. Listen to me. You've got to prepare yourself. I mean, this search could take a while and all that anger, you can't keep it burning over the long haul. It's gonna kill you. You've gotta have patience, man."
Sam looked down and then back up, "How do you do it? How does dad do it?" Dean glanced over at Haley and Ben, "Well, for one, them. I mean, our family's so screwed to hell, maybe we can help some others. Makes things a little more bearable. Two would have to be Pipes over there. She's really good at making you see reason and just cheering you up in general. She'll forgive you no matter what mistakes you make and she'll help you fix them."
Dean didn't even realize that halfway through his speech an almost dreamy smile had graced his features. He paused for a second before a rueful grin came onto his face, "I'll tell you what else helps." Sam glanced at him. "Killing as many evil sons of bitches as I can." Sam returned his smile, but all too soon a twig snaps and the tension leaked back into the air so quickly, that it was as if it had never really left.
An eerily beast-sounding voice echoes through the wilderness: "HELP! PLEASE!"
The boys run back over to the group. The Winchesters (and Roy) circled themselves around Haley and Ben. Dean readies his gun. "HELP ME!" Dean looked at the group, "He's trying to draw us out stay put." Roy smirks, "Inside the magic circle." "Hey Roy?", Piper calls. Roy answers, "Yeah." "Shut up." More shouting: "Help! Help me!" The Wendigo growled and Roy aimed his gun at the noise, "Okay, that's no grizzly." Piper almost snorted in disbelief. Had they not been trying to tell him that the whole time? Roy shot in the direction of the noise, "I hit it!" He goes to see what he hit, Piper tries to pull him back, but fails,"No!" She screeches and she and her brothers run after him. But its too late. Tears run down Piper's face. He hadn't deserved death.
By daylight Piper had calmed down, but she hated it when people died, no matter how stubborn that person is. Sam was clutching the journal by a hollow stump while everyone else was by the tents. Haley started asking Dean questions as Piper and Ben quietly messed with the ropes on the tents.

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