Kids are Strong

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AN: I'm SO sorry I waited so long to update! But just for you guys, I decided to try adding some more humor to this chapter! Tell me what you think! I love every single comment and suggestion! Comment and vote please! P.S. You guys are awesome!

Dean sat at a table in a diner looking for cases with Piper, who was STILL waiting for the tea she had ordered. The pretty blonde waitress came back for, what seemed like, the tenth time. Every time Piper ordered the woman would start flirting with Dean instead of doing her job. She didn't really mind the flirting itself, she was used to THAT. When she was little, Dean had even used her as a "chick-magnet", to pick up babes. She did feel the waitress was showing WAY too much cleavage for comfort, though. Those things didn't usually bother her too much. What bothered her was that Wendy wouldn't bring her her tea.
Her brothers drank beer and coffee. In fact, that seemed to be all they drank. But Piper just didn't understand why they liked plain coffee so much. Tea was much better to her and if she needed more energy she would probably buy some sort of energy drink. And she couldn't drink beer for obvious reasons.
This woman was depriving Piper her Tea and she would not stand for it! She walked over Sam and told him. When they walked back to the table the waitress, Wendy, was there checking to see if Dean needed anything, again. "Can I get you anything else?" 'Yeah,' thought Piper, 'my tea that I asked for thirty minutes ago.' This time she had asked both brothers. Sam nodded stiffly and glared at her, not phased by her looks, "Yeah, the check and how about you give my sister the tea she asked for half an hour ago, to go." Wendy nodded and left to, finally, get Piper her tea. Piper could have hugged Sam and strangled the waitress for obeying when her brother asked. Dean looked at Sam, "You know, Sam, we're aloud to have fun every once and a while." Dean pointed at Wendy, "That's fun." Piper scoffed, "You aren't aloud when the waitress you are trying to have 'fun' with doesn't even have the decency to do her job. You better not tip her." Dean agrees just to stop her from going on a tea rant....again.
Dean showed his siblings the article. Piper skimmed through the article and looked at Dean in slight confusion, "A drowning?" Dean nods, "Yeah, Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin. Sophie Carlton,18, walks into the lake, doesn't walk out. Authorities dragged the water; nothing. Sophie is the third to die in the lake this year. None of the other victim's bodies were found either. They had a funeral two days ago." Sam looked confused, "A funeral?" Dean nodded, "Yeah they buried an empty coffin. For, uh, closure or something." Sam's voice hardened, "Closure? What closure? People disappear, Dean. Other people stop looking for them." Dean looked at Sammy, having picked up on the meaning behind his words, "Something you want to say to me?" Piper mentally sighed. They had been having this argument for a while. Piper absolutely HATED it when her brothers fought, because she loved them so much. They would always try and get her to choose too. It was like they were unknowingly fighting over her approval in every argument, she understood though.
Dean and Sam have their moments together too, like when she was 6 and some older kid thought it would be a good Idea to pick on the new Winchester girl for not having a mom and living in a motel while she was waiting for her brothers to pick her up from school. And the kid then proceeded to try to beat her up (be reminded she had only just started training and this kid was MUCH larger than her).
The kid punched her a couple times and when he paused for a breath, Piper had just enough time to scream: "SAMMY! DEAN!" This time when the kid went to punch her, a hand caught his fist and push him backwards onto the sidewalk and the two brothers had a lovely time beating the crap out of the idiot who picked a fight with a Winchester. Piper smiled at the memory, but was quickly snapped back to reality. Sam looked at Dean, "Dad's trail is getting colder everyday." Dean nodded, "Exactly, so what are we supposed to do?" Sam shook his head, "I don't know. Something. Anything." Dean glared, "You know what? I'm sick of this attitude. You don't think me and Piper want to find dad just as much as you do?"
Sam glanced at Piper who had been looking back and forth between her brothers nervously and was now looking terrified at having been brought into the conversation, "Yeah, I know it's just-" Dean cut him off, "We're the ones that's been with him every single days for the past two years, while you've been off going to pep rallies-" This time Piper cut in, "Dean! That's enough. Stop berating him for going to college and following his dreams. Dad was the one that told him not to come back. So it's not his fault. And Sam, we all want to find him, but we can't just let everything evil have a 'Stay Out of Hell' free card, just because daddy's gone AWOL."
Dean nodded, "Yeah, we will find Dad, but until then, we're gonna kill everything bad between here and there. Okay?" Wendy walks over and gives Piper her tea, if not a little reluctantly, and distracts both of the siblings. Sam agreed with Dean, "Alright, Lake Manitoc. Hey!" Dean and Piper look back at him, "Huh?" "How far?"

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