Mirror Monster

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AN: Sorry guys! I know you probably hate me for how long this took!

Sam had another dream when he fell asleep in the car and woke up to Piper shaking his shoulder gently from the back seat and Dean telling him to wake up. He jerked awake and glanced at each of his siblings, "I take it I was having a nightmare?" Dean nodded as he eyed his brother, "Yeah, another one." "Hey, at least I got some sleep." Piper frowned, "Sam, are you okay?" She knew he wasn't. He was still out of breathe and shaking from whatever he had seen. The middle child simply waved her off, "I'm fine." Dean was just as unconvinced as his sister, "You know, someday we're gonna have to talk about this." That was how you really knew Dean was worried. He tried to hide his worry and he did it well, but when he suggests for Sam to talk about his feelings, that was when you knew he was scared for his brother. He didn't do chick flick moments.

Sam ignored him, "Are we here?" After a pause and a glance at Piper through rear-view mirror, he allowed Sam to change the subject, "Yup. Welcome to Toledo, Ohio." Piper passed him the obituary section of the newspaper, which had Steven Shoemaker's name circled in black sharpie.

Sam read over the paragraph under their victim's name, "So, what do you think really happened to this guy?" Piper grabbed her brown leather jacket and slipped out of the Impala, "That's what we're here to find out." Piper took out a pair of glasses out of her bag, to complete her bag. To get in, may take some acting. She shed her jacket and put her hair in a braid. She smoothed out her plaid top, trying to make it less wrinkled and switched her boots for converse. She didn't want to look like stereotypical nerd, but a goody-two shoes college freshman. She wanted to be attractive, yet smart and honest looking to sell it. Her brothers may like to wing it but she preferred to have some tact with her disguises.


The Winchesters walked up to the front desk. The guy looked up at them boredly , "Can I help you?" Dean quickly told the bald man the lie he and Piper had perfected to get them in, "We're the, uh, med-students." "Sorry?" Piper cut in with a peppy smile and tone of voice, "Dr. Feiklowicz sent us. He didn't tell you?" Dean silently thanked her for saving him from having to pronounce the doctor's long name, "We talked to him on the phone. He, uh, we're from Ohio State. He's supposed to show us the Shoemaker corpse. It's for our paper." The morgue tech didn't budge, "Well, I'm sorry, he's at lunch." Piper frowned, as if genuinely put out by this news, "He told us that might be the case but I was hoping...You see, we're kind of on a tight schedule. Is,there anyway you could show us the body anyway?" The man's eyes only softened a fraction, "Sorry, I can't." Piper sighed and Dean took a crack at it, but he did much less than annoy the tech.

Piper saw Sam reach into his wallet, about to pull out a wad of twenties but she stopped him and pulled out just one out of her pocket before the man could see and held it up, "Now can you show us?"

She dropped it on to the desk and he nodded with a smile, "Follow me." He left and she followed, sticking out her tongue at her brothers as they trailed behind.

Dean rose an eyebrow at his brother, "You were going to give him eighty bucks! I earned that money!" Sam rolled his eyes, "You won it in a poker game and so did Piper!" Piper hung back to fall in pace with her siblings, "Hey, we played for hours at that bar. My fingers are still sore from all that shuffling I had to do and I got hit on by one too many bikers so I'd say I earned it." Sam looked uncomfortable, like he hadn't even thought about how Piper would be gambling and stuff, since she was now old enough (well..old enough by hunter standards). He looked down, "I wish you could earn money in a more honorable way." She glared, "We're just playing cards, I didn't cheat! And there are a lot worse ways to make money."

Sam sighed, he felt like he was being a jerk but...he couldn't help but feel she should have a better life, the life that he tried and, in the end, failed at achieving. He nodded, "Sorry." She opened her mouth to accept his apology, but Dean interrupted, "What was at you said about flirting bikers?" She looked at him nervously before running to keep up with their guide. Dean huffed, but didn't make a move to run after her.

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