No Survivors

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A/N: I'm SO SORRY! I've been so busy with school work and studying and doing projects I've neglected this story way to much. I'll probably start updating more once school is out, which is pretty soon. I actually finished this chapter already, but as i was finishing the last sentence, it glitched and half of my work was erased and i had worked really hard. I barely stopped writing that day. I had kept saving too but it didn't save. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT! As always, comment or message any ideas or predictions about what will happen in future chapters and seasons.
This chapter is dedicated to RinaPov for helping me out of a small fit of writers block :)

Just the sound of the door opening was enough to wake Dean from his slumber. He was still sluggish and he didn't want to alert the intruder to his wakening, so he stayed on his side and his hand slipped under his pillow where he kept his hunting knife. He glanced over at Piper and stopped himself from cursing under his breath. For once, she had opted to sleep on the couch, just as a test. He looked like the kind of guy who could sleep through anything, but his paranoia and hunting instincts kept his from falling to far into slumber. Piper wasn't terribly hard to wake, but she wasn't as light of a sleeper as her brother. Now she was too far away from Dean. He had known in his gut that the couch had been a bad idea, but it was rare for a motel room to have a couch. He should've listened to his instincts.
As the mystery figure made his way fully into the hotel room, Dean turned over, ready to act. He relaxed when he saw his brother with breakfast and coffee. Sam saw his brother awake, "Good morning sunshine." Dean squinted at his brother, "What time is it?" "Oh, it's about 5:45." Dean groaned, "In the morning?!" "Yeah." "Where does the day go?" Dean sat up, knowing he couldn't possibly go back to sleep now. He propped himself up and finally got a good look at Sam and he realized that his brother was sleepier than he seemed. Despite Sam's perky attitude and banter, he had bags under his eyes. Dean tried not to let his worry show, "Did you get any sleep last night?" He knew the answer though. Sam looked away and attempted to brush the question aside, "Yeah, I got a couple hours. Look, maybe we shouldn't talk to much. Piper's still sleeping and-" Dean rolled his eyes at Sam's lame attempt of changing the subject and sat up, "Cause I was up at 3 and you were watching a George foreman commercial." Sam shrugged, "What can I say? It's riveting TV." Dean wasn't laughing, "When was the last time you had a goodnight's sleep?"
Sam shrugged, "I don't know, a while? It's not a big deal." Dean raised an eyebrow, "Yeah it is." Sam shook his head, "Look, I appreciate your concern-" Dean cut him off, "Oh, I'm not concerned about you. It's your job to keep me and Piper's asses alive while we do the same, so we need you sharp." Piper sat up and yawned, "Why can't you guys just be straight up honest about your feelings? Sam, you aren't okay, stop lying because we already had a conversation about it. Dean, caring about someone isn't something to be ashamed of. We're a family, it's natural to worry. Even so, Dean's right, Sam. You're a hunter. Killing monsters is not something that should be done half asleep." Sam sighed, "Piper, I did actually try to sleep." Dean sighed, "You're still having nightmares of Jessica?" Sam looked down, "Yeah. But it's not just her. It's everything. I just forgot you know? This job man, it gets to you."
Dean shook his head, "You can't let it. You can't bring it home like that." Piper scoffed, "It's almost impossible not to let the job affect you, Dean. You can't stand there and tell me you haven't had dreams of a demon ripping your face off or one of us getting eaten by a monster. I've seen it happen before. Sometimes, late at night when you think I'm sleeping, you'll start tossing and turning or talking in your sleep and then you'll wake up it and look at me to see if I'm okay. Which is nothing to be embarrassed about, I do it too."
Dean remained stubborn, "I'm not embarrassed, I don't get scared." Sam scoffed and pulled his brother's knife out from under the pillow and he gave him a look, "That's not fear. That is precaution." He didn't care what his siblings said, without that knife under the pillow he wouldn't be able to sleep. He needed something to protect his family with. That was all that mattered. Sam shook his head, "Alright, whatever. I'm too tired to argue." Piper opened her mouth to say something but she was cut off by Dean's cellphone ringing. Dean raised an eyebrow and answered the call with Piper sitting right next to him, listening in:

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