#7. I Am Yours

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Everyone came back after he left, they all talked, laughed and messed around I realized everyone was enjoying life. If I had to give up mine for them to be happy, then I would willingly do it, deep down I also know that a part of me wanted to get the old Shane back. I made up my mind to give Shane all of me.

Maria's POV

It's been two weeks since I woke up. Surprisingly the police didn't question me, I'm sure Mars had something to do with that after all he's living off of daddy's power. Today is the day I dreaded but still felt relived. Why? I was getting out of this hell hole, but was entering another one with Shane.

" Mommy you're finally coming home!"Kylie exclaimed joyfully. It was strange how Shane could be loving and caring to his daughter, but use her mother as a peace of gym equipment, I jut hope that he never decides to turn on her.

' I'll always love you no matter what. ' Those words rang in my ears the words he once used to comfort me with made me fear him now. Does he even regret what he has done, did he truly mean those words? How can he look his daughter in her face and still smile and tell her that he loves her? What have I done wrong, wasn't I enough, didn't I please him? All these questions were attacking me all at once.

"You're free to go. " The nurse announced

"Yay" Kylie screamed the nurse smiled at her and took her leave, we signed my discharge forms and got ready to leave. We walked to the car in silence while passing strangers would smiling at us, you would think that we were a happy family with Kylie holding both our hands and swinging between us as she giggled but in my eyes and mind I was screaming, crying out for help but nobody noticed.

On the drive to my place I couldn't even call it home anymore knowing Shane would be there. Was it still even my place? Kylie and her father sung for the whole drive you would think that he was sane. I realized giving up my life gave her life and maybe and deep down inside after seeing his daughter he has changed, and I know it's stupid of me to still love him after everything that has happened but I still do. You never forget your first love, your first kiss or your first time
' You'll never forget me I promise you that .' Little did I know what he truly meant.

Maybe I'll never forget him but all my life I thought that was love, being screamed at and abused I thought that was the way but later found out I was only seeking my father's attention. Feeling the pain  on what I thought was love I couldn't love my own daughter because my definition of love was to scream at her, to bring her down and abuse her, she was the first person to ever say she loved me and truly meant it. I learned how to love from a five year old, my daughter, my world.

I was pulled out of my thoughts after hearing everybody around me scream ' SURPRISE!!' I didn't even notice we weren't in the car anymore, my body was on auto pilot. I was shocked and lost for words, they put their lives on hold to welcome me to a place I once called home. They celebrated me being alive and back I was happy but looking around I was disappointed my own father didn't want to celebrate my life but the woman he married that's not even my mother came to celebrate me. After greeting everyone and hanging out for a bit I tried to sneak off.

Strolling into the kitchen with out anyone noticing. I took out a bottle of wine and drowned my self in alcohol I decided to take it to the bathroom to be a bit more discrete. While sitting in the bathroom I started thinking to myself, everyone was happy and I was willing to give it all up to get one man's approval my father, it meant everything to me that's all I ever really wanted.

I filled the tub to take a bath and and relax. I closed my eyes and tried to steady my breathing as I finished the bottle. So lost in my thoughts I didn't even realize that I fell asleep. Being yanked up out of the water and I pushed against the wall I opened up my eyes to find a burly Shane, I was drunk and in shock.

" What the fuck do you think you're doing, are you trying to kill your self?" he screamed at me and slapped me a few times but I ignored him as I heard Kylie's screams in the background for me, everyone must have left already. Smiling with a busted and bleeding lip I whispered with a slur " Sure... maybe... why do it myself when I could let you kill me? "I smiled at him drunkenly. Kylie continued begging her dad to put me down.

Giving a bitter laugh I continued
" You can have me Shane... but you can't have me alive ." I smiled at him as I struggled to breathe.

He let go of me and dragged her out of the bathroom as I just watched but she didn't give up. Ky's screams and cries were muffled by the door being closed, she made her way in and froze after seeing her father's actions, she knew it was wrong. I wasn't in my right mind at the moment, taking blows to my body from Shane became a normal thing for three years of my life, I didn't have to take this but here I am being beaten once more. I stood life less against the bathroom wall while letting Shane take advantage of me as my five year daughter watched without fighting back for he found pleasure in my struggles, screams and cries, I could still hear her begging her father to stop but he didn't care. I was drained, violated, and abused. But I stood still as he pounded himself  into me screaming and crying gave him power and made him happy all I did was stay still as  he raped me with no remorse I was doing this for the ones I loved, my family but deep down after all he has done I stayed because in some twisted way I still loved him.

When he was done with me he fixed himself to walked out the door not before stooping down to Ky's level and whispering something to her, later on kissing her forehead and taking his leave. I watched as she flinched away from her fathers touch, she made her way over to me in the half empty bathtub and got in and held me as she cried herself to sleep in my arms.


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