#22. Us

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Hopsin - The Old Us

" Daddy, DADDY, please don't go." She cried out while sobbing in her sleep and that broke my heart. She deserved a father, someone to love her and be there for her in the times that I couldn't. I walked to her bed and held her in my arms as she calmed down and fell into a peaceful sleep once more as I held her silent tears ran down my cheeks as I fell asleep with my baby girl in my hands comforting her if only she knew that she was comforting me.

Alexander's POV

I can't believe I actually did that, why would I do something so stupid? My stupidity is all I can think about as I lay awake right now. The warm body in my bed at the moment is the least of my concerns, I'll just kick her out before Kylie gets up. Before falling asleep I knew that I'll have a fucked up situation to deal with in the morning.

Maria's POV
Jolting out of my sleep and faced with Kylie's smiling face.

" Good morning mommy." She said with a toothy grin with a small laugh I replied to her.

"Good morning, to you too what's got you in such a good mood?"

"I get to wake up next to you mommy."

I launched forward and threw my hands around her.
" And I am happy because I get to have a sweetheart like you, now let's give you a bath."

After making a bubble bath and spending a great amount of time playing with Kylie we decided to go downstairs. Kylie skipped along the halls while I trailed behind her, not really wanting to go down but I happen to be very hungry, and I'm sure my little bundles are as well.

Strolling into the kitchen as Ky hopped on a bar stool I'm greeted with the site of Alexander, and some random woman having a heated debate. His sudden outburst startled me
" GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE." I stared at them wide eyed and so did Ky the one in question stomped her feet like a kid.

"You can't just do that, I'm not some random whore. My daddy will be having a word with you." She whined and stomped her way out of the kitchen.

Ky decide now would be the perfect moment to speak to him before I could stop her
" Good morning Alex." She chirped happily.

Slowly turning around with a tired smile he replied to her.
"Good morning sweetheart." His eyes drifted to me, he nodded his head and walked out of the kitchen while mumbling something about breakfast being in the microwave.

I went to the microwave and fetched breakfast for myself and my daughter as were eating she suddenly turned to me tapping my arm.
"Mommy do you think daddy would ever love us?" Caught by surprise that she would ask such a question, I frowned while trying to think of a reply for her.

"Ky I think your daddy will always love you, but sometimes we just don't know how to show it." I tried my best to explain, she looked at me confused. After we finished breakfast I took her into the living room, not seeing anyone there I turned on the television to keep her busy while I made some calls. I called her school, and my job to notify them about what was happening of course not giving them the whole truth, and I also found out that I no longer have a job. After making calls and hanging around with Ky Xavier and Mars walked in.

" Great, you're here I need to talk to you." Mars announced before he walked into the kitchen, glancing up I saw Xavier looking at me but I just looked away and followed Mars into the kitchen.

"How are you feeling?"  His question caught me off guard 

"I'm fine" I frowned  at him

"Hmmmm" he hummed " OK, Alexander wants to make everything official. " He said with nonchalance.
"What do you mean?" He sipped whatever he had in his cup.

" He wants to finalize the marriage," he paused "and he also wants to adopt Kylie."  When he said that my eyes immediately met his.

"What?" I barely whispered. 

Sighing he replied "You know I hate repeating myself, and your child clearly needs a father figure in her life, we both know what not having one can turn you into." He looked at me straight in my eyes while saying that.

"That's low, and we had dad around.Plus my daughter already have a father. " I shook my head 

" Yeah we did but he was barely there for you. As for Shane he's everything short of a father, so please don't make this difficult." 

" He still have rights to her."

"Last time I checked he signed away his rights to her when she was still an infant, so everything will move along smoothly so please don't fuck this up." He turned to walk out of the kitchen.

"Oh, and Maria I'm doing this because I love you, and care about the innocent soul out there, so you have absolutely no right to hate me, and yes it was father who threatened him to sign his rights away ." Before he could walk away I replied. 

"I don't hate you, I just wish it didn't have to happen this way, I just wish we could go back to the old us and start all back over. I never imagined getting married this way, I never imagined getting kids this way, and I never imagined my life going this way." I sincerely said to him, 'my father cared enough to make Shane sign his rights away all those years ago' I thought to myself.

"Learn from our fathers mistakes Maria, it'll do you some good." That was the last thing he said before walking away.

 I just want to say I am proud to be an OG of Wattpad, I don't really like the update either but it's not like they're going to change it for us, at least some of us got to see the original logo and got the original things on Wattpad I'm a proud OG wattpad. Thank you for all the good days and bad days Wattpad.

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I love you guys

Until next time...

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