#21. Confused

779 35 2

Bryson Tiller - Leaning 

"Hi my name is Ky and you're really tall." She giggled as she looked at him the fear of what he would say chilled me as everyone remained quiet. He nodded at her and walked away completely ignoring us Sarah followed after him.

Ky turned to me and mumbled " well he's rude" I ignored her comment and grabbed her hand and took her out of the house, not before shooting Mars a message to come get us as we waited outside in the cold.

Maria's POV

After we got back to the house I took Kylie straight to bed, the house was really dark and quiet when we got in so I tried to keep the noise down as I climbed the stairs it seemed like we were the only ones in the house. After taking Ky to bed I went to my own room and took a bath then headed to bed also.

A few hours passed with me just staring at the ceiling and dreaming about the life I could've had if things didn't go the way they did, if my mother didn't leave, if my father only cared, if my grandparents didn't die, and even if I didn't ever meet Shane and had Kylie.

I love my daughter but I also thought about what my life would've been like without her. What would I be doing with my life ? Would I still be here, would I be alive?

I pushed my thoughts aside as I tried to go to sleep, as I closed my eyes and turned on my side I heard the bedroom door open not remembering that I didn't lock it. The second the person walked into the room I knew who it was just by his scent and his mere presence, I closed my eyes a little tighter refusing to move as my body tensed up. I felt him settle on the foot of the bed I had no idea why he was here, why he even bothered to come to this room of all places.

He sat there for a few minutes not saying anything which didn't help with the way I felt, I turned on my other side to see him sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. I don't know what got into me as I got up and crawled towards Alexander kneeling behind him knowing that he's fully aware of my presence behind him.

In a slow quiet whisper I called out to him " Alexander"

" What's wrong ?" He still didn't respond

I slowly got off the bed and stood in front of him, taking his head out of his hands and cradling it between my palms looking down at his face his eyes were blood shot. I don't know if he was high or drunk but the look in his eyes scared me it reminded me of the days Shane would come home and curse me out, beat me or take advantage of my body. Alexander seemed to have sensed my fear as he placed his hands over mine that what cradling his head in this moment we both were just acting on impulse and deep down I knew that I would probably end up regretting my decision of being here for him.

He lowed his hands to my hips and pulled me closer and his head rested on my growing stomach. Every time I look at it remember the fact that Shane once more took advantage of me, I remember how stupid I was to let him in again, to let my guard down so much that he impregnated me again. Suddenly he lifted me off of my feet and threw me on the bed with him laying on top of me between my legs I was scared, I was petrified I couldn't find it in myself to enjoy this.  Not only because I knew that he wasn't thinking straight but because of everything I have been through with Shane, with him taking advantage of my body but the look in his eyes softened as he looked at me and that comforted me.

He lowered his face to my neck and started laying butterfly kisses along my neck, I closed my eyes and unknowingly arched into him. He slowly pushed my body down as he trailed up to my ear and whispered something that brought me back down to earth, something that made me aware of what I was doing.

" Go to sleep, forget this ever happened." He brought his lips down to mine and kissed me softly he then got off the bed and left the room. I lay there in a gaze cursing myself for feeling sorry for him, for being weak and comforting him. Even in his vulnerable state his ego was still so huge he refused to be weak in front of someone else.

After about fifteen minutes I finally got out of my position and battled with my self on if I should really leave the room, I decided to go my daughters room and stay with her hoping that I would go to sleep. I entered her room to see her trashing and crying in her sleep.

" Daddy, DADDY, please don't go." She cried out while sobbing in her sleep and that broke my heart. She deserved a father, someone to love her and be there for her in the times that I couldn't. I walked to her bed and held her in my arms as she calmed down and fell into a peaceful sleep once more as I held her silent tears ran down my cheeks as I fell asleep with my baby girl in my hands comforting her if only she knew that she was comforting me.


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I love you guys

Until next time...

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