#15. Lights Out

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''' Alexander no she is broken she can't handle you. ''

'' It's up to you Mars, now get out I have work to do. '' He give me a hateful look before leaving my office and left me in my thoughts. Do I really want her? Is this a mistake?  

Kylie's POV

Mommy...my mommy, She's gone.
At first I thought maybe she's been missing daddy but it was my fault that she's almost dead my fault that she might not come back.

After I had breakfast with Alex and I kissed my sleeping aunt Cathy good bye, he took me to school.I remembered that today was parents day but I didn't have anybody, my mommy was laying down almost dead and my daddy I don't know where he is and Alexander is not my daddy. As he pulled up to my school I said a quick bye and rushed into the school and straight to my class to see everyone there with their parents.

Ms Connor found her way to the front to speak to us as I took a seat at the back.

"Good morning boys and girls, and a very special good morning to the parents. As you know I am Miss Connor, and today we have asked you to come to the school to tell us a little about your self to help aid our children's knowledge about what they would like to become in life. I will be starting from the front so please come forward with your parents and introduce them, good luck." She smiled at us and moved to the side of the room. 

Maybe I could get out of this, it was almost my turn maybe I could talk for her seeing that my mommy isn't here and that's kind of my fault. It was now my turn and Miss Connor turned looking around until her eyes landed on me.

"Miss Howell  it's your turn please go to the front. " Everyone turned around and was now looking at me. I was scared I didn't know what to do as I took the front I was a about to speck but Miss Connor interrupted me.

"Where are your parents Ms. Howell ?" she said as I looked at her

"I... my mommy is in the hospital and my daddy... I-I-I don't know where he is..." I cried as I replied but still continued.

" At first I thought my mommy missed my daddy because sometimes while she would be cooking she would zone out or when she looked at me she would cry... my mommy never told me why we ran away from my daddy, and I hated her for it but she was still my mommy, and I'm sorry I want her back I don't want to be with my daddy anymore I want my mommy back. " I fell to my knees crying.

"It's my fault that she is almost dead, I asked for daddy to come back I thought she missed him please help my mommy please." I cried as everyone looked at me Ms Connor quickly rushed to my side and gave a quick apology as she took me outside to the stairs. 

"Kylie, Kylie what's going on? " She asked softly

" I want to go home, I want to got to Alex can I please go to Alex please. " I begged

" Who's Alex sweetheart? I can't help if you don't tell me. " I dug into my pocket to find the paper with his number that he gave me this morning and threw it towards her
"Can you please call him please."

She took out her phone and dialed the number as I waited for Alex to answer she put the phone on speaker it was Alex's personal number so he should answer and he did.

" SPEAK " he said with much authority
" Um...this is Andrea Connor, Kylie's teacher. " He quickly interrupted her

" What's the problem is she okay? Where is she? " He questioned

" Alexander can you please come get me please, I want to go home. " I cried

" Ky" He sighed " I'm going to come and get you okay stay put. " He instructed

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