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Mia's POV

That night I got in some old sweats and a tee-shirt and got ready for bed. School for me was now tomorrow and I had no idea what to expect. I brushed my teeth and washed my face and took a look in the mirror. My green eyes were tired and my mouth tugged into a frown. It was late and I was exhausted, so I decided to head to bed.

"Night, mom!"


I stared up at my ceiling in bed thinking about tomorrow. I didn't really want to make friends; I'm not shy but I just never found myself really "clicking" with people. I think if I just keep to myself I'll be fine for the two years I have remaining. I mean, unless someone messes with me.

My phone vibrated on my table. Reluctantly, I got off my bed and scooted over to my phone to check who it was from. I didn't really get many messages, especially since I moved, so I was a little confused. When I turned it on, it read:

Dad: Hi sweetie, call me soon? We need to talk.

I was shocked and disgusted. How dare this guy talk to me as if everything is okay? I still hate him so much for what he did. I didn't want to think of it though, so I pushed the whole thought out of my mind. I still never discussed it with anyone, barely myself. With a lump in my throat, I ignored the message and went back to bed.

After a few minutes of useless thinking like how the world will end or why goldfish don't go to school, my mom creaked open the door to check on me. I pretended to sleep and waited for her to leave. A minute passed and she was still staring at me. She started sniffing and softly crying. I felt bad, I really did. My mother didn't deserve any shit she went through.

"I love you," she said softly and sweetly. She slowly closed the door.

I really love and appreciate my mother. I remember back when I was younger and she would play Aly & AJ's "Potential Breakup Song" in the car while we would just cruise around. Maybe stop for some ice cream, who knows? My dad would get out of work and we'd all eat, talking about random things. It was peaceful. It was happiness. I wish everything can go back, but that's not how life works. Soon, I drifted off into an anxious sleep, thinking about school.


"Dammit, Mia wake up!" I heard over the sound of a loud, obviously old blow- dryer.

"Alright mom, alright!"

I checked the clock that read 5:30 AM and groaned. I rolled out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. My mom was in there but squirmed out after I entered. She was in a plain white blouse and jeans with her hair down and bangs pinned back.

"You look nice," I commented as I brushed my teeth.

"Thank you," she smiled, "I like to say, 'Presentation is everything,'" and she went into the kitchen.

I rinsed out my mouth and washed my face. I let my hair down from the messy bun it was in and brushed through my hair easily. It fell into small beach waves so I was satisfied. I walked over to my room and looked in my closet for an outfit. I settled on skinny jeans with rips in random places and a hole on my knee and a loose- fitting Green Day tee- shirt with a dark flannel over it. I turned to my stained mirror and applied my makeup. Most people say they don't wear a lot of makeup because they don't want to seem fake or like to keep their faces healthy or whatever. I don't wear a large amount of makeup because I'm just lazy. No bullshit behind that. I just don't feel like it. After finishing putting on mascara and a thin line of eyeliner, I put on some combat boots and grabbed some money and my backpack.

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