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Mia's POV

Since it's been a week since I told my mom, she has recovered a bit from the news, but is still freaking out about everything. Not to mention that my father has been talking more and more to the court about setting a date and all. But, it's May and I still have some time to manage things.

As always, I woke up for school, it being Thursday and all. My mom wasn't home in the morning, nor the night before but I just brushed it off. Arriving at school, I simply said my hellos and went through my classes. Although I've tried to look happy, the only thing I'm really feeling is nervousness and sadness. As the final bell rang, I rushed out the door and bumped into Hansol.

"Hey," he said softly, "I've been looking for you all day, can I take you home?"

"I, um, sure," I said and he wrapped an arm around me protectively and kissed my temple as we walked.

"What's with all these looks I'm getting from these girls I don't even know?" I asked, glaring at a random girl giving me a death eye.

"I think the word about your little project with all the guys spread," he replied, "Or they just hate you, I literally can't the difference sometimes."

We both laughed and the mood was lightened.  I smiled in what seems like forever and we went into the car. Since we've been dating for quite a while now, the quiet is comfortable for us.

Once we arrived at my building, I was feeling in a pretty good mood and welcomed Hansol in with me. He gladly accepted and picked me up, ultimately making me shriek in shock. He ran up the stairs with me in his arms and rested me down at my door, chuckling lightly. We both quieted down until the hallway was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. Then, I leaned in and kissed his lips in the perfect position. As always, they were soft and gave me a sense of calmness. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer and we stayed like that for a little longer. He nudged his head towards the door and I unlocked it.

"Mom?" I asked once I spotted her beat up flats laying on the ground.

Hansol silently followed me as I scoped out the rooms. But once I looked into her room, my breath hitched. I lost all feeling to the point where I was leaning against the paint-chipped door frame for support. My mom was on her bed with various alcoholic drinks scattered around the room, some broken. And next to her pale figure was a bottle of pills, only four remaining. Though I was completely lost for a good couple of seconds, I got my senses back and ran over to her.

"Mom!??" I asked while shaking her vigorously.

I heard Hansol's footsteps approaching. I nervously looked at the pills and her surroundings, as if anything I took could save her.

"What hap-- Oh my God," Hansol shook.

He rushed around the room, picking up and dropping the bottles. Meanwhile, I took my mother's pulse; something I really never thought I'd have to do. Not heart beat. I took a good look at her. It's exactly what one would expect when describing death; gray pskin, drained face, frozen and weak frame. Except my mother had something that not all the deceased. While some look peaceful, calm, or expressionless while lying on their deathbed, my mom had a look of pain, sadness and defeat in her face. The way her face hung down showed how beaten down she was. And I didn't do enough to save her.

I shook her one last time, screaming profanities. Hansol sat on the bed behind me to me and held my shaking body tight. I didn't fight his embrace but once he touched me, the tears started to fall and everything soon progressed to a sob. He looked worried but tried to calm me down, shushing me soothingly and whispering things that I drowned out anyways.

"Coward! WAKE UP YOU COWARD," I began to get angry with the tears that blinded my vision.

I was on my knees on the bed, and bent my torso down to her chest, crying."You can't leave me alone, mom," I whispered in my high- pitched cry.

"She left me. She just left me alone here," I sat back up and leaned against Hansol's chest, still crying.

"You're not alone baby, you have me."

a/n: wow omg words can't describe my writer's block I had with this chapter hence why it sucks. I feel soooo bad for not updating but I'm in Greece visiting family and all rn, so things are a little hectic. I'm sorry, I'll try to update more :)

also, I've seen more and more notifs on this story like favorites and stuff so thanks so much it means the world 2 me (but also check out my other finished story too!!)

-lia <333

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