This place she calls home

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Peri's POV: it's been almost 2 months since we moved to this hell hole she calls home, which feels like years! I can't stand it here being away from everyone one I love why can't I go home?

"Peri come here please" Leela shouted from downstairs. Peri ran out of her box sized room in the new house and down to her mother, "yeah?" Peri asked A little confused on why she shouted her down..."I've got you a place at the new school round the corner, you'll start in the new year! How excitings that?!" Leela grabbed Peri's hands and held them tight "I know this is gonna be hard peri new school new friends again but this is all gonna work..." Peri interrupted her "I wanna go home I really miss Tom!" She let Leelas hands go, "I was gonna spend Christmas with Tom but you won't let me leave This hell hole! It's Christmas Eve and there's no way I'm gonna spend Christmas here!" Leelas face suddenly dropped with disappointment "peri get to your room!" "My rooms at my real house so.." "Peri just get up them stairs this minuet" but Leela doesn't know what's she's let her daughter do....

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