Peri's birthday

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I'm asleep, slept in and it must be a birthday surprise that steph hadn't woken me up! It must have been around 9 when the door creaks open and I feel some warm hands on my shoulders and i turned around to see tom

"Happy birthday!" Tom whispered as he placed steph on my knee and placed his lip on mine,

"Why thank you!" I laughed back before texting the other birthday girl

P: hey birthday buddie happy 16th x
N: happy 16th pez see you later x

I put my uniform and and sat on the sofa as tom walked over with a mountain of presents.

'Tom please tell me some of these are for Nico" I asked my boyfriend

"Nicos gift is in my bag these are yours!" He replied smiling

I opened gift upon gift as steph teared away at the wrapping paper, until I pulled out a necklace which looked like it must of cost loads

"Tom this is beautiful!"  I gasped as Tom pulled my hair away and placed it around my neck.

"Thank you" I say lulling him into a kiss, 'ready for school" I questioned as jack took steph to nursery.

We arrived at the school gates hand in hand and welcomed with birthday wishes, I approached Nico and we both we're holding little gift bags for each other,

"Happy birthday!" We said in unison and laughed before both opening our gifts, funny enough we both pulled out a photo frame with different photos of us in them we know each other well.

At the end of the day we got into our party clothes and went to the dog for a party with all our friends, we laughed and dance endlessly until our feet could take no more, stuffed our faces with cake until we felt sick and sang until we could no longer breath.

I arrived back home to the mountain of presents and welcomed by my baby girl, I tooked her into bed and kissed her head and sang her to sleep. Once she was out like a light I cuddled up to tom on the sofa he kissed my head and pulled me Into his chest

"I love you peri lomax" he whispers into my ear

"I love you too Tom Cunningham, how I've missed you whilst I was gone," I replied he kissed my lips and got up and spun my around

"Never leave me again" he says as we stopped the spin

"Never again" I replied as he kissed the top of my head

I realized now everything was back to normal I had  my little girl who is now 6 months old and my amazing boyfriend who I can't live without.. Life seems to be perfect and that's how it shall stay

The end

Omg I had no idea where this was going so I've decided to end the sorry and I hope everyone enjoyed it, I'm so happy that it all ended happy and you never know I may just carry on the story when you don't expect it..

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