Happy new year?

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Happy new year everyone -Hannah X

Peri's POV: everyone slept in till gone 1pm today we are all so tired after New Year's Eve until Charlie ran in the room and woke us all up "Tom did you break my toy car!!!!" We all jumped as Tom reach out "Charlie you woke us all up"
He was reaching for Steph who'd started crying "you've woken Steph up and no I didn't break your you car I was out till who knows what time last night" Charlie giggled "Tom and peri siting in a.." Charlie was interrupted "Charlie get out!" Tom shouted before Charlie scuffed out the room "man that was a bit harsh?" I said leaning over "he just wakes me up whenever he wants" I rolled my eyes "you go back to sleep then I'm gonna make Steph a bottle"'I said climbing out of bed and getting Steph from Tom as he fell back asleep almost instantly

"Happy new year peri!" Nancy said as I walked in "happy new year guys" I said back with a smile before making Steph a bottle "what time did you and Tom get back then last night?" Jade said as she walked into the room "I can't remember maybe 2-3? Tom had fallen asleep so" I laughed "in thought we'd all go out for the day today for some lunch if you'd wake Tom up?" Nancy said "that'd be nice I'll wake Tom up could you feed Steph?" I said handing Nancy the baby and walking back to toms room and siting at the end of the bed "Tom Nancy wants to take us for lunch " I said as I got up and nelt beside the bed "Tom?" I said as I pulled the blankets to the side "Tom! Wake up!" I said shaking him Tom WASNT breathing "Nancy!" I screamed as she ran into the room "peri call 999" she said as I burst into tears what could've possibly happened in the 5 minuets I was gone I repeated over in my mind "999 what is your emergency" the phone said "my boyfriend he's not breathing and I don't know why!" I screamed down the phone and In no time the ambulance was here "how old is he?" They asked me "16 yesturday please don't let him die!" I cried as they took him to the hospital

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