Forgiving and forgetting?

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Peri's POV:"Thank you Tom for sticking up for me" I told Tom as we walked home "I couldn't let you get grief like that anyways it's my fault for telling you to speak to her" Tom answered giving me a sad look as we arrived home "Tom it isn't your fault you can't stop her saying that" I said letting toms hand go as I opened the door "hey peri Nancy told me what happened so I picked up this little one for you!" Jack said handing Steph to me "thank you jack we've just had an awful run in with her and it wasn't good I'll tell you after" I told him as I walked into the bedroom with Tom giving jack a smile on the way past "Tom I'm scared she's gonna get social services involved so I've been thinking..." I said looking at Tom who was really starting to look worried "pez please don't tell me your gonna do something stupid" Tom said nervously "I think we should run away the three of us!" I said willingly  as Tom rolled his eyes and sat next to me on the bed and he put his arm around me and pulled me in "peri we can't keep running away from our problems I promise you were not gonna let social services or Leela take Steph away from us" Tom always makes me feel safe and protected it's his thing making me feel like that he's the kindest person I know. Slowly a tear streamed down my face "hey pez don't cry! Everything's gonna be ok" Tom wiped the tear from my face and I looked at him "I'm gonna get changed and watch a film I think care to join me?" Tom laughed as he hopped of the bed and held out his hands as I grabbed them and he spun my around "sounds great" I laughed as we span around the room...."so what shall we watch?" Tom said as he rooted through all the DVDs we had "whatever you want" I answered as I put Steph down for a nap "how about this one" Tom showed me the film the fault in our stars as I laughed "you pick the romantic film? I thought you'd go for horror!" I laughed as I ran over to him and sat down "well why not this is your favourite isn't it!" He laughed as he sat down and switched off the light "Tom what if Leela.?" Tom interrupted me "pez please don't think about it" Steph started to cry "I'll get her" Tom said jumping off the sofa and grabbing up to bring her over "I'll put her back when she falls asleep" I grabbed my daughters finger and kissed her forehead as she slowly went back to sleep but thats when the door went "I'll get it" I said jumping off the sofa but it wasn't Leela it was someone who id of never expected to be stood there....

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