Chapter Two

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Albus felt his heart drop. James's eyes were closed. The bludger had hit him right in the chest. Quickly, Albus moved to catch James, but his fingers groped the air as his brother plummeted towards the ground. Louis plummeted after him and wrapped an arm around his waist. Depositing him safely on the ground, Louis took back to the sky as Madam Pomfrey tended to James. Louis sidled up next to the ashen-faced Albus. 

"Thanks," Albus said, breathing heavily. 

"Of course," Louis replied. "Couldn't let James die now, could I?" With that, Louis patted Albus on the shoulder then took after a bludger. Ignoring the panic in his gut, Albus looked around for a shimmer. He finally saw it right by Sarah, the Gryffindor keeper. He snatched it with no problem, then practically jumped from his broom, running to where James lay. 

"He'll be fine," Madam Pomfrey said to the group that had gathered around him. She looked around. "Family can come along with me up to the hospital wing, but no one else." Scorpius came up next to him. 

"I'll see you later, okay?" Albus nodded, and Scorpius gave him a quick one-armed hug before Lily slipped her hand in Albus's and they walked up together. 


An hour later, James was awake and walking, so Pomfrey decided to release him. Lily had gone back to the Ravenclaw dorm, and the boys walked off together to the Room of Requirement to take part in a tradition they had started with their family and friends. They pushed through the door, and a cheer went up around the room. 


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