Final Update

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hi, everyone. before we get into this, i'd like to say some things.

first of all, i'd like to thank everyone who's been here since the beginning. i started this story so long ago, and it means a lot that people are still reading it.

second of all, the stats of this are astounding. the fact that that many people have looked/voted/commented on this is quite frankly mind blowing.

third, i've been getting all these comments saying scorpius is also a slytherin. well bucko, i started this over a year and a half before cursed child was published. gryffindor!scorp has been my headcanon since before i started fourth grade. while i am grateful for your comments, please don't discredit my work. it's gross and rude. if anyone's curious, i'll put my house headcanons at the end of this (final) update. thank you so much for reading.


On their last day of Hogwarts, Scorpius pulled Albus tightly into his arms.

"I've got something for you," he whispered.

"Is it your dick?" Albus shot back. "Because been there, done that.

Scorpius smacked his boyfriend upside the head for ruining the moment.

The surprise was decidedly bigger than Scorpius's dick, which, comparatively, was saying a lot.

Instead, it was a small house, just on the outskirts of London. Albus (smart mouth and all) was stunned into silence. After leading him by the hand on a tour of the house, Scorpius turned bashfully to him.

"Do you like it?" he asked shyly.

Still unable to use his words, Albus pulled him into a long, warm kiss.

Turns out, he ended up getting the...other present that night, as well.


Scorpius wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans.

"You okay, babe?" Albus asked, looking up from his ice cream cone.

"Just dandy," Scorpius replied, putting his arm around Albus's shoulders as they strolled through the park.

Looking over both shoulders to make sure no one was there, the blond boy steered them down a path that lead to a bridge, spanning a lazy river.

"Okay, I'll bite," Albus said, dropping the ice cream in a trash can. "What's going on?"

Scorpius grinned at him, then dropped to one knee, pulling a small box out of his pocket.

"Well fuck," said Albus, pulling how own box out of his pocket. "I guess that makes this useless."


The phone rang at exactly 3:47 am. Scorpius was sprawled on the floor of Rose's flat, Roxie's head in his lap and his own spanning Charlie Finnigan's legs. Rose cuddled her girlfriend on the couch, and everyone was dead asleep.

Everyone except Scorpius, that is, who was watching Legally Blonde play quietly on the tv.

He picked up his phone without looking at the caller ID.


"I love you."

The blonde grinned at his fiancé' voice. "I love you, too. What's up? Why are you calling?"

"Well," Albus started. "One, I miss you. Two, I miss you. Three, we're getting married in fourteen hours and I won't be able to see you until then and I don't like that. And finally, everyone here is passed out drunk and I miss you."

"You're not drunk, though?"

"I mean," the dark haired young man started. "I didn't want to forget any part of our wedding. Or have a splitting headache for it."

"Hey, you're cute. Doing anything later today? Y'know, when the sun comes up?"

"Sorry, I'll be busy."

They both laughed, sitting in comfortable silence for a while.

"Y'know, Legally Blonde is on..."


"She's beautiful," Albus grinned, wiping a stray tear that made its way down his husband's cheek.

"Yeah," Scorpius sniffed, smiling. "Yeah, she is."

Later, there would be people to meet, grand and great grand parents to coo and gush over her, but for now, Lily Hermione Potter-Malfoy dozed peacefully in her father's arms.


Lily bit back her tears, stepping up to the podium.

Her brother (Astorius Remus Potter-Malfoy) had just done a reading, and now, she was to speak.

She hoped she could do her fathers justice. They had been wonderful men, together for all their lives - minus eleven years and about forty minutes - and now, they were going to be put to rest.


!!!!! this shit is over finally
okay here we go:
teddy - hufflepuff
victoire - gryffindor
dominique - ravenclaw
louis - gryffindor
molly - gryffindor
lucy - hufflepuff
roxanne - ravenclaw
fred - gryffindor
rose - ravenclaw
hugo - hufflepuff
james - gryffindor
albus - slytherin
lily - gryffindor
scorpius - gryffindor
lily ii (or iii?) - ravenclaw
astorius - slytherin

and with that, this story is officially 100% complete.

feel free to message me at any time, or read my other stories.

love ya!

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