Chapter Eight

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Albus had a foolproof way of finding his family on Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters.

He just looked for the large congregation of redheads and went to it.

The first person to notice him was his grandmother, who swept him up into a giant hug.

"Oh Albus," she said. "You've gotten so tall. Now, where's Scorpius?"

"He's with his family, Grandma. But he's coming to the Burrow for dinner."

"Good. He's too skinny. Now, you two have to sit next to each other."

"Grandma, we always sit next to each other at the Burrow."

"Yes, but that's because I was trying to set you up."

Albus tried to respond, but he was pulled into a hug by his mother.

"Hi Mum," he said, and she kissed his forehead.

"Hey Al. How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Honestly, I'm still angry at James for outing you."

"I'm fine Mum, honestly. I was going to do it this summer anyways. He just-sped up the process."

"Yeah, but that's not okay. Oh, he's coming."

"Mum. Mum. Don't-" But it was too late.

She had let go of him and walked to James, who was wearing a grin. She said something to him, and the smile turned to a more somber look. He nodded a few times, said something, then Ginny laughed and put an arm around him as they walked back.

"Hey," said Harry, coming up from behind a pillar and pulling Al into a quick hug.

"Where did you go?" asked Ginny, an eyebrow cocked.

"Draco pulled me over to talk. Apparently he found out about the boys."

Albus groaned and James laughed.

"Is he okay with it?" asked Ginny worriedly.

"Yeah, he reacted like the rest of the family. Like it was a long time coming."

"Because it was," Lily laughed, appearing from the crowd.

"Ugh. I don't even want to go to the Burrow anymore," Albus groaned.

"Yes you do," James grinned. "Your boooooooyfriend is gonna be there."

"Okay, make the rounds with all the aunts and uncles, and then we'll hop in the car," said Ginny.

It goes without saying that every single family member asked about Scorpius.

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