Chapter Twelve

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I had this idea, so it's time for...a timeskip!

Okay, so, a sentence and a half in, I got a slightly different idea, so be warned: there are a few homophobic slurs in this chapter. Be careful, okay?

ALbus stood in front of the assembled crowd on the quidditch pitch in sweatpants and a Slytherin t-shirt, broom in hand.

"I'd like to thank you all for coming out today, no pun intended," he smirked, and a few people laughed. "Before I let you go, does anyone have any questions?"

A burly sixth year who tried out for beater raised his hand. "Yeah," he said. "I heard that when we play Gryffindor, you'll be soft and make us lose on purpose because of your pansy boyfriend, you faggot."

Albus's face steeled. "Oh yeah?" he asked. "Well I heard that you won't make the team because you're a fucking bigoted arsehole. Anyone else? No? Good."

And with that, he stormed back up to the castle.


Scorpius hadn't seen his boyfriend in hours, and he was starting to get worried. Albus told him that he'd be up to lunch, but it had stopped being served over an hour ago.

Scorpius searched everywhere - the library, the quidditch pitch, the kitchens, Hagrid's hut - but there was no sign of Albus. It wasn't until he got Marcus to let him into the Slytherin dorms that he found him, curled up under the covers with the curtains drawn around his bed.

"Al?" he said softly, perched on the corner of the bed. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Al muttered. "Go away."

"I'm not leaving," Scorpius replied. "I'm going to lie on top of you until you tell me."

It only took a few minutes of this for Albus to give in.

"Fine, fine," he grumbled. "This guy was being a homophobic jerk and made me feel gross inside."

"Aww, baby," Scorp said soothingly, running his hands through Albus's hair and down his arms and pressing light kisses to his temple. "Baby, I'm sorry. I can go fight him later."

Albus laughed, and Scorpius pulled away to look him in the eyes.

"Just know you've always got me, okay?"

And Albus did.


Okay so that's (probably) the end.

It's been a while, especially since I never update, and if I'm being completely honest, I never thought this would be that popular. Life is just surprising like that, I guess.

I've decided I'll be renaming this fic "Friendship; or, Other Ways to say I Love You." However, I can't do that without a cover, so that brings us to our cover contest.

If you want, make a cover and DM it to me. I'll pick my fave.

Thanks for reading, and make sure to check me out on Ao3 if you like Hamilton or In The Heights @ Pterodactyl_Friend.



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