Chapter Four

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   The next day, the wide dirt road that runs through the village of Willowdale is bustling with life and laughter as Gweyr and I push through the crowd. A wide smile rests naturally on my lips as I look around, forever fascinated by the lively village. Elves and men and hobbits and dwarves- beings of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds- peruse the dozens of carts set up as shops. I stand behind Gweyr as she speaks animatedly to the friendly elven woman who is selling an assortment of fruits, but I continue to look all around me in wonder. No matter how many times I visit the village, it never ceases to amaze me.

Music weaves through the crowd, and I watch in amusement as several people dance to the cheery tunes that the musicians create. The dance consists of a lot of hopping and skipping and clapping, and I cannot help but think how fun it would be to dance along with them. It is especially humorous to watch people grab disgruntled dwarves and force them into the dance.

"Excuse me," comes a voice from behind me, and I turn to see a little mortal girl standing behind me. She looks up at me with round copper eyes, and her reddish hair curls around the shape of her tiny face. Her pink lips are pulled back into a small, bashful smile, and her gaze travels to the ground as she fidgets shyly.

"Hello," I say with a smile, "What is your name?"
"I am Ryia," she responds, stepping closer to me, "Are you an elf?"

A small laugh escapes my lips in surprise. "Why, yes, Pen tithen (Little one)," I respond, crouching down so that I am eye level with her.

She grins excitedly, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. "May I touch your ears?" she asks, her voice breathless with anticipation.

Not wanting to disappoint the cute girl, I push my hair behind my ear, leaning closer to her. "Yes, of course!"

She reaches out to me, softly touching the point of my ear, but she quickly draws it back with a shriek of happiness. "They are pointy! They really are pointy! Oh, I have always wished to be an elf!"

I laugh heartily and pat her on the head affectionately. "Do you wish to know a secret?"

She nods quickly, clapping her hands in front of her. I stare at her for a moment, taking in her appearance. Her long blue dress swoops down to the dirt road beneath us, the color beautiful against her porcelain skin. Freckles are splayed across her round and rosy cheeks. She looks up at me as if I am the most interesting creature she has ever beheld, and I stifle a laugh at her adorable innocence.

"I have always wished to be mortal," I tell her quietly, and she gasps, covering her tiny, gaping mouth with her hand.

"You have?" she asks just as quietly, the loud chatter around us almost drowning out the sound.

"Yes," I tell her truthfully, nodding my head. Though I will not tell the girl this, I have always wished to be a mortal because living forever has never seemed so appealing to me. After doing the same things for more than a century, it becomes boring and tiresome. I have had no changes in my life after the death of my parents. It has just been Gweyr, Falenas, and I, and I have become very lonely after all these years. I guess this is why I so readily accepted the friendship of 'Dan. At least, that is what I keep telling myself.

"So, you should always be thankful for who you are," I tell her, placing my hand on her shoulder, "There are others who dream of having the life that you possess. Never forget that."

She nods again, but whips around when a woman's voice calls out to her. She turns back to me sadly. "I must leave now," she mumbles, "Thank you for letting me touch your ears."

And with that innocent statement, she turns and disappears into the thick crowd of people.

"New friend?"

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