Chapter Eleven

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 A fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back. -Proverbs 24:11


As I am sitting on my bed looking through a few drawings I created a few weeks ago with a stub of charcoal Falenas brought me from Rivendell, I am startled when I hear a hesitant knock on the front door. Startled and scared, wondering who would come calling, I tiptoe out of my bedroom and through the hallway quietly, my pink dress swishing around my feet. I glance out of the window that is built near the door when the knocking sounds again, and I am surprised to see 'Dan on my front porch.

I open the door, and I laugh as his hand is still held up in the action of knocking. He immediately drops it, and, to my utter astonishment, he blushes. I watch in confusion as he fidgets nervously, not acting like his usual self at all.
"'Dan," I state, still shocked that he is at my door, "Um, please, come in."

​ I step out of the way, and he enters, looking around as if he has never been inside before. I attempt to smooth out my wild, tangled hair as he shifts his weight from foot to foot. "Gweyr and Falenas have traveled to Rivendell. You were right! She is pregnant. Well, we assume so, anyway. That is why they have gone away. They are going to see Lord Elrond to make sure," I ramble as his gaze finally lands on me. I feel the air sucked straight from my lungs as he gives me that same passionate look he bestowed upon me yesterday.

He remains silent, just staring at me, and I can almost see the wheels turning in his head. I feel my cheeks burn, wondering if I have crumbs on my face from lunch or if my hair really looks as bad as I think it does. My fingers curl into a fist around the fabric of my dress as I think of something to say.

"Uh," I divert my gaze, feeling incredibly awkward, "Would you like to sit down?"

He clears his throat, and when he speaks his voice sounds strange and more high pitched than usual. "Please," he replies.

I nod, happy that he has finally spoken. "Follow me," I say, and I lead him to the living room, sitting down on the sofa. He sits down beside me, and I gaze at him, drinking in his appearance. He looks the same as usual, dressed in his training gear with his hair unbound, but something- including his behavior -is off. His eyebrows are furrowed in deep thought, and his expression is solemn, his lips turned down slightly in their corners. He looks as if he has bad news to share, and the thought of him not wanting my friendship anymore terrifies me. Have I so quickly bored him with my company?

"Taenya," he begins, his voice hesitant, "I-I have something that I need to-,"

I cut him off quickly. "I have always loved the color of this room," I blurt out, looking around at the forest green walls, "My mother had a wonderful taste in color, did she not?"

He stares at me for a moment, and I feel like a fool. I just cannot bare for him to say he no longer wishes for my company. My time spent with him is so wonderful, and I always long to see him. And he promised that he would never leave me just yesterday. I can barely believe he would go back on his word, especially so soon. But what else would make him so serious and frustrated?

"'Tis a very pretty color," he agrees slowly, his gaze calculating as he watches me with his wondrous silver eyes. He looks around the room, his eyes far away in thought. "Is this the room you said your mother, sister, and yourself would dance around when you were younger?"

I grin, delighted that I have stalled him, and a part of me feels warm and giddy that he remembered. "Yes, it is," I say, sighing slightly, "It feels like just yesterday. I miss such days, back when things were simpler. Childhood is such a beautiful time."

He stands and holds out his hand for me to take. "My lady."

I just stare at him in confusion for a moment before taking his hand, and he pulls me up to where I am standing in front of him. "You do not think your sister would mind if we moved the furniture?" he asks softly.

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