Chapter Eight

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Elladan's POV

"Are you going to the forest today?" my mother asks me as I walk into the dining room for breakfast.

I grab a roll from the basket that sits in front of my sister, and I plop down in the chair beside Elrohir. I meet my mother's soft inquisitive gaze. Her hair tumbles down her shoulders in long, silky golden waves, and I remember how her hair color used to puzzle me immensely when I was younger. Now, I just find it amusing that not one of my siblings inherited her hair color. I watch her as she smiles and glances down, smoothing the skirts of her long green dress. She then meets my gaze again and raises her eyebrow.

"Are you going to answer my question? Or is it a secret?" she asks teasingly, and Arwen laughs.

I smirk tiredly. I did not get very much sleep last night. I tossed and turned, my mind churning with thoughts of yesterday's events. Worry has been eating at my heart. After Gweyr told me that Taenya will be hurt when she finds out about who I really am, I have been wondering whether I should just tell her or not. Picturing her mossy green filling with tears of sorrow, I know that I cannot bring myself to hurt her. 'Twas never my intention to hurt her.

"I plan on it," I reply, biting into the warm bread that is clutched in my hand.

She smiles delightedly and glances at Arwen, whose smile mirrors her's. Naneth stands and approaches a servant who is dutifully holding a basket covered with cloth. My mother takes it from her hands and returns to the table, setting it in front of me. "I made a lunch for you today," she says, "I am sure you will enjoy it."

She gives me a pointed look, and I smile in gratitude, knowing that she kept our talk from a few nights ago a secret. I peek into the basket and see sandwiches, fruit, and pastries, and my smile grows wider as I remember Taenya bringing me pie. Now I can repay her for that.

I meet my mother's shining gaze as she stands in front of me expectantly, waiting for me to say something. I take her hands in my own. "Thank you, Naneth," I tell her genuinely, "I appreciate your kindness. I know that I will enjoy it very much."

She smiles radiantly and moves to sit back down in her chair. The dining room door opens and my father enters, followed by Glorfindel.

"Good morning, Meleth nin (my love)," Naneth says to Ada as he sits down beside her at the head of the table.

Glorfindel sits to my left, and he smirks at me secretively. Ada opens his mouth to respond to Naneth, but Glorfindel beats him to it. "Good morning," he replies as if my mother had spoken to him, and Elrohir howls with laughter along with everyone else at the table.

My mother gives him a faux scolding look, trying to hold back her laughter. "Good morning, Glorfindel, but I was speaking to my husband," she says before giving in to her laughter.

I look at Ada to see that he is chuckling deeply as a servant fills his goblet with wine.

Glorfindel chuckles proudly. "Forgive me, My lady," he says jokingly.

Adar raises his eyebrow at Glorfindel. "Are you attempting to steal my wife?" he asks, "I will admit, I would not stand a chance against you in a swordfight, so I say we leave the decision to Celebrian. I am quite certain after raising three children together that she will choose me over you."

Glorfindel chuckles heartily, and Mother rolls her eyes at their banter. "You can keep your beautiful wife, Mellon nin (my friend). I do not want to be involved with your elflings any more than my duty calls for," he says, glancing at my siblings and me with a smirk.

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