Chapter 6: Hollow Bastion KeyHole

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The ship arrives at hollow bastion the air is murky and the sky is dark and grey. The two of them walk down the abandoned streets sticking close together. Axel looks at the broken place he calls home a sad shiver runs through him. Xanie hadn't lived here long but feeling an attachment for the place she called home it bothered her to see the streets so empty.

"It's so weird not to see anybody out here... the streets are always so full of people..." axel looks at rows of destroyed houses with pieces of roof missing. "And in the short time we were gone... the whole place fell apart..."

"That's the heartless for you... they don't care who they hurt... they just want to steal all the light they can." Xanie clinches her fist tightly. "They have no heart for which to understand... that's why they are called the heartless..."

"If they can do this much damage in such a short time... then imagine how much trouble the universe is in. if heartless are in other worlds..." axel says thinking out loud.

"Other worlds need us or they may be completely enveloped by the darkness... or completely destroyed." Xanie looks forward seriously. "we need to hurry and get to the school... the fact that we haven't seen a single heartless here yet can only mean they are trying to get to everyone else." Xanie speeds up from a brisk walk to a run. Axel hard on her heels.

The two of them stop when they round the corner and spot a horde of heartless camping outside the school because they can't get through the barrier. "Time to take out the trash." Axel growls summoning his keyblade. Xanie nods and summons her keyblade too. Xanie and axel charge into the battle fearlessly and take on every heartless one at a time. They push through the crowd quickly to reach the door to the school. Once there they turn back to back and watch as all the heartless disappear and become hearts floating towards the sky.

"That way easy enough..." axel grins.

"Yeah well it was twice as easy with your help." Xanie smiles.

They both nod and turn to the door of the school and let their keyblades disappear. Xanie puts her hand on the door to make sure they are able to pass through the barrier. She opens the door and they walk in. the site they find is much like the remains of a zombie apocalypse everywhere somebody is lying injured in a makeshift bed on the floor. Xanie and axel walk past everyone and get a few worried stares from those of the citizens that have no idea what's going on. They pass by some students who vary in grade years all huddled together and talking in whispers. The two ignore everyone else their target is Roxas. But when axel notices sora and riku he pauses for a moment.

"Just hang in there sora..." riku sits next to him on his knees. Sora appears to be sleeping but is not in the best shape.

"What happened to sora?" axel curiously scans the situation.

"He's a damn fool..." riku looks up wiping his face turned red from crying. "When the monsters came sora tried to protect me... and he got hurt... everyone else is either busy or hurt... and i don't have anyway to help him."

Axel nods and looks around quickly before bending down next to them. "Don't tell anybody I did this... I could get in trouble..." axel places one hand over sora.

"What are you doing? It... isn't going to hurt him?" riku on the verge of protesting.

"heal." Axel uses a little of his magic to restore sora's health a little. "there that should work for now... my magic still isn't very strong, but that should give him just enough energy to..." axel speaks sora wakes up.

Riku smiles and hugs sora. "You're alright!"

"mhm..." sora smiles a bit. "riku... what happened?"

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